26 April 2011

Buy a nanosheet and save on toothpaste

A nano-coated toothbrush that does not require paste has been developed
Andrey Velichko, Computer

To use this unique hygiene item created by Japanese magicians, you just need to dip it in water.

A product called Misoka is presented by Yumeshokunin. It differs from ordinary brushes by microscopic particles of minerals deposited on the bristles. The creators claim that they used only those substances that are in the human body. The composition and method of coating is kept secret.

Most importantly: nanocoating successfully replaces toothpaste! It not only removes food residues, but also supposedly increases the hydrophilicity of teeth so that saliva can subsequently repel food debris. To get us into it, representatives of Yumeshokunin mention similar technologies for self-cleaning buildings after rain.

Misoka is intended primarily for business people who do not have the opportunity to use toothpaste after an office lunch. With the new brush, one morning cleaning will be enough to keep fresh breath throughout the day, the developers swear.

Misoka's presentation took place at the Tokyo International Gift Show, the spring exhibition of the gift industry. You can buy another nano–achievement – and it is already on sale - for ¥1,050 ($13). When you're in Japan, buy our share, OK?

Prepared by DigInfo TV: Misoka Toothbrush With A Nanomineral Coating.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru26.04.2011

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