13 April 2011

Cancer drugs: citius, altius, fortius!

There are 887 antitumor drugs and vaccines in the development of American pharmaceutical companies
Ilya Dugin, "Farmvestnik" based on the materials of PharmaTimes: US pharma's "record" 887 cancer drugs, vaccines now in R&D

According to a recently published report, 887 anticancer drugs and vaccines are under development by American pharmaceutical companies at various stages of clinical trials and under consideration by the FDA. This is more than twice the figure of six years ago.

Among the anticancer drugs developed by the member companies of the Association of Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of the USA (PhRMA) are 98 drugs for the treatment of lung cancer (is the leading cause of death from cancer in the USA) and 91 drugs for the fight against breast cancer, which, according to the association, is diagnosed annually in more than 200 thousand American women.

In addition, 80 new drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer are in development, which annually takes the lives of more than 32 thousand Americans, and 55 drugs against colon cancer (the third most common disease in the United States in both men and women).

108 new drugs are being developed for the treatment of leukemia, 97 for lymphoma, 65 for skin cancer, 49 for multiple myeloma and ovarian cancer, and 31 for kidney and liver cancer.

PhRMA started accounting for new developments for the treatment of cancer in 1988, when there were 65 of them. Over the next decade, this indicator gradually increased and in 2005 amounted to almost 400 drugs.

According to a report by the US National Cancer Research Institute, in 2001-2006, cancer mortality in the US decreased by 1.6%, and the number of surviving patients increased from 3 million in 1971 to 11.7 million, mainly due to early diagnosis and more effective therapies.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru13.04.2011

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