02 April 2008

DNA constructor: assembling a dodecahedron

DNA molecules and especially their short segments have recently attracted more and more attention from representatives of science, since they can be used to build complex nanoobjects.

This time, scientists from the Ruhr University, led by Gunther von Kedrowski, managed to build dodecahedra from short fragments of DNA – three-dimensional polygons with 12 faces. Scientists used the ability of DNA to self-assemble on the principle of complementarity.

ДНК-додекаэдр составлен из трисолигонуклеотидовA single element of the new DNA designer of German scientists became three-beam blanks – trisolygonucleotides consisting of rectilinear fragments of DNA molecules connected at a common vertex by one of the ends.

In order for the dodecahedron to turn out as a result of the stepwise programmed synthesis, and not any other figure, scientists needed to use a set of blanks, each of which is absolutely unique, that is, has a unique sequence of nucleotides in the chain. At the same time, all DNA segments must have the same length, and the segments forming one blank must be complementary in pairs with one of the segments of the other.

As a result, the researchers synthesized twenty three-beam blanks, from which, as a result of step-by-step synthesis, they obtained the final product consisting of a large number of identical dodecahedra. As it turned out, these dodecahedra are able to bend under pressure without destroying the structure like inflatable rubber balls.

Scientists plan to further equip trisolygonucleotides with functional groups attached to the tops of the blanks. Such functional groups will make it possible in the future to design more complex structures based on already synthesized dodecahedra and apply them in various fields – from medicine to nanoelectronics.

The article by Jan Zimmermann et al. "Self-Assembly of a DNA Dodecahedron from 20 Trisoligonucleotides with C 3h Linkers" was published in the journal Angewandte Chemie.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the Newspaper.Ru


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