27 November 2018

Domestic antiretroviral drug

The Russian drug for HIV patients may enter the market in 2-3 years

RIA News

A new Russian drug for HIV patients may enter the market in 2-3 years, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

She said that a new drug of antiretroviral therapy for HIV patients is undergoing clinical trials at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

"We really hope that the drug will prove to be as effective in clinical trials as in the preclinical, but, of course, it is premature to talk about bringing it to the market earlier than in 2-3 years," Popova said.

"We expect that it will be more affordable and effective than analogues and will be designed for a large number of patients," she added.

Popova also noted that the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor is developing several new technologies for the treatment and prevention of HIV infection, united by the concept of "gene therapy". The technology is based on the principle of changing the genome of human cells in order to artificially create their immunity to HIV. In this case, we are talking about a drug under the working name "Dinavir", which has already been tested for effectiveness and harmlessness on animals. But since intervention in the human genome requires great caution, further clinical trials on healthy volunteers, and then on patients with HIV infections, will take several years.

In addition, international trials of previously known drugs are already taking place in the Central Research Institute and in several other countries, with already proven effectiveness when taken daily in the form of tablets, in a dosage form intended for parenteral administration. "If the tests are successful, these drugs for intramuscular administration will be approved for use in three years," Popova said.

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