25 November 2016

Elite Bloodhound Clones

NEFU and the Sooam Foundation will transfer cloned dogs to the Military Historical Society of Yakutia

Olga Savvinova, Press service of the North-Eastern Federal University

On November 29, the Korean institute Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in honor of the 60th anniversary of university education in Yakutia will hand over three service cloned dogs to the regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society. The Federal University, as a long-term scientific partner of Sooam BRF, acts as an intermediary in the transfer, said Semyon Grigoriev, head of the laboratory of the NEFU Mammoth Museum.

Three service dogs of the Belgian Malinois breed, cloned at the Sooam BRF laboratories in Seoul, will be handed over by Korean scientists to the dog handlers of the Yakut regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society.

Belgian Shepherd of the Malinois variety (photo from Wikipedia) – VM

"These dogs were recreated from the cells of the best sniffer dog in the Republic of Korea and inherited the unique abilities of the animal, which has been proven by Korean scientists. They will be the first cloned service dogs in Russia," emphasizes the head of the laboratory of the NEFU Mammoth Museum, Chief Researcher Semyon Grigoriev.

The Korean Biotechnology Foundation Sooam is the only scientific institution in the world that deals with dog cloning. To date, a group of scientists led by Professor and head of the Hwang Woo Seok Foundation has cloned more than 800 dogs. "Many clone service dogs successfully serve in Korea, the USA, China and other countries in the fight against terrorism, the search for explosives and drugs, at airports and crowded places," the scientist says.

"Anyone interested in cloning can attend Professor Hwang Woo Sok's open lecture "Animal Biotechnology: Present and Future" on November 29 and personally ask him questions," said Semyon Grigoriev. The lecture of the head of the foundation will take place at 17:00 in the 263 auditorium of the building of the Faculties of Natural Sciences of NEFU.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  25.11.2016

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