29 May 2018

I got to Sklifosovsky

The first neurosurgical operation using a robot in Russia was performed in Sklifa

"Moscow Medicine"

For the first time in Russia, a neurosurgical operation using a robot was performed at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health.


The operation was performed on a 37-year-old patient with a complex localization of a tumor of the deep parts of the brain. The intervention was successful and lasted less than an hour. Due to the location of the tumor, it was impossible to carry out an accurate diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging, so the specialists decided to perform the least traumatic operation in order to obtain a tissue sample for further examination and determination of treatment tactics.

– The feature of the surgical robot is high accuracy of the operation, low injury and safety. This robot, together with other methods, allows you to reach very subtle and incomprehensible brain formations and take a sample. In Russia, such an operation was carried out for the first time. With the help of a robot, doctors performed a biopsy of tissues, samples of which have already been sent for histological examination. Based on the results of the analysis, doctors will determine the patient's further treatment tactics: chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In the future, we plan to carry out such operations along with the rest at our institute, – said Sergey Petrikov, Director of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of the Moscow Department of Healthcare.

The localization and volume of the affected tissues in such cases does not allow for an open operation on the brain, since with such an intervention the risk to the health and quality of life of the patient is very high.

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