21 October 2013

National shame

Britons will be taught to take care of the elderly

Elena Balayeva, Vesti FMThe Minister of Health of the country called on citizens to change the tradition and not to hand over infirm parents to nursing homes, but to take them to themselves and take care of them independently, as residents of Asian countries do.

The official justified his proposal with statistics: for every tenth elderly resident of Britain, the only friend and interlocutor is a TV.

The nickname of callous and cold people in communication for the British was fixed, among other things, because of their attitude to the elderly. Having started an independent life, children leave home forever – first they rent a house, then they start families and take a mortgage. And parents grow old alone. They will never get an offer to move in with their son or daughter. On the one hand, a young family has a chance to build relationships without the intervention of a mother-in-law or mother-in-law. On the other hand, there always comes a time when elderly parents can no longer manage without help. Then their housing is sold, and the proceeds are sent to a nursing home.

The tradition needs to be changed, British Health Minister Jeremy Hunt is sure. The British should take an example from Asians, for whom to take their parents to a nursing home is to disgrace the family forever. Englishman Hunt is familiar with Asian traditions firsthand. His wife is from China, her parents do not speak English, but the minister is already morally ready to take responsibility for their maintenance.

Asian immigrants moving to Britain usually keep their traditions. They transport old people to their homes, and Chinese grandparents often take children to school in such families. While English old people often see their grandchildren only on big holidays, although, as the minister is sure, it would only be better for everyone if elderly parents were more involved in family affairs.

According to statistics, approximately 5 million people in Britain are lonely elderly people whose communication with the world is limited to watching TV. There are 25,000 nursing homes in the country – more than anywhere else in Europe. But if some of their inhabitants really cannot do without constant medical supervision, then for others such institutions become, albeit voluntary, but a prison with no hope of release. And this is a "national disgrace of the country," said the British Minister of Health.

The politician's appeal is not only an appeal to the mercy of the British, but also an attempt to find a solution to the problem of population aging, which Britain, like the rest of Europe, is facing. Due to the improvement of the health care system and other factors, life expectancy is increasing. However, as you know, this does not mean a long youth, but a long old age, and unemployed pensioners are rapidly getting poorer. Sweden and Norway have long been recognized as the most attractive place in Europe for the elderly, where social services provide maximum assistance to pensioners. Britain is not even in the top ten in this ranking.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.10.2013

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