29 June 2016

Reconstruction of the pancreas

Cellular recovery technology for diabetes has been developed in Russia

GMP News

Institute of Developmental Biology named after Koltsova (Moscow) is ready to present to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation the technology for restoring the functions of the pancreas for the treatment of diabetes, said the director of the Institute Andrey Vasiliev.

"I hope that when it becomes possible for the Ministry of Health to open a registration procedure for preclinical and clinical studies of cellular products, a dossier (about these studies) This will be submitted for registration," he said during the Biomedicine 2016 conference in Novosibirsk.

According to Interfax, Vasiliev noted that insulin-producing cells were obtained from human cells, which were then injected into mice, and it turned out that these cells react to glucose levels.

"What is interesting is that it turned out that the cells migrate to the pancreas, they fill the pancreas, reconstructing it," he said.

Vasiliev also noted that the law "On Biomedical cell Products" recently adopted with his participation, which comes into force from the beginning of next year, requires the development of many regulatory documents.

"We have a need to develop 40 by–laws, everything will be there: biosafety, technological conditions, and everything else," the scientist said.

He stressed that the law as such does not regulate scientific research, but scientists, from his point of view, should regulate themselves from a moral and ethical point of view.

In particular, Vasiliev noted, the technology of editing the genome of an embryo, including a human one, is actively developing in the world.

"It is absolutely obvious that there are risks and dangers here. If, when editing the genome of the embryo, the noble goal of getting rid of it at the earliest stage and making the body resistant to HIV, tuberculosis, or something else is set, then automatically, as the second side of the coin, the creation of "designer children", and anything can come into your head," Vasilyev added.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  29.06.2016

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