02 March 2012

Smoke and don't be scared!

Frightening images on cigarette packs have been declared illegal in the United States

<url>A federal court in Washington has blocked a ruling by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the US government ordering tobacco companies to place graphic images on cigarette packs that show the negative effects of smoking.

This was reported on February 29 by the Associated Press.

The judge presiding over the trial considered that the corresponding requirement of the federal authorities is illegal, as it contradicts the amendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech.

The court agreed with the arguments of the tobacco companies, who believed that, unlike the inscriptions placed on the packs with factual information telling about the dangers of smoking, the purpose of the images is to instill fear of smoking, appealing to human emotions. In addition, the placement of images negatively affects the design of packs and brand awareness.

The judge also noted that the government has other opportunities to combat smoking, including, in particular, increasing taxes on cigarettes, conducting anti-smoking advertising campaigns and prevention of smoking among minors.

The FDA ordered tobacco companies to print intimidating images on cigarette packs in June 2011. Among the nine images approved by the Department were images of diseased lungs, rotten teeth, an opened human corpse, as well as other pictures telling about the dangers of smoking. The images were supposed to occupy half of the front and back sides of the pack.

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