18 October 2023

A remedy for cancer and "clogged" blood vessels - eat it in the morning instead of porridge

"Clogged" cholesterol vessels increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. One of the products that effectively supports liver health and prevents the deposition of so-called "bad" cholesterol on the vascular walls are chicken eggs.

The egg contains a full range of amino acids, which are the strongest antioxidants, one of the most valuable for blood vessels and liver is lecithin.

In addition, that by increasing the level of "good" cholesterol, eggs can prevent the development of atherosclerosis. However, doctors note that with a generally high level of cholesterol in the blood should be more careful with the product, limiting the consumption of egg yolks to 2-3 per week.

Will benefit from the preparation of scrambled eggs (with a minimum amount of oil, without fried crust) with herbs and tomatoes. The latter, recall medics, contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Specialists note that chicken eggs should be rinsed before cooking. And the product should be stored with the sharp end down. This will help the yolk to stay in the center and not touch the air layer that fills the blunt end.

"The shelf life of an egg starts from the date it was laid, not from the date of sorting, which is indicated on the shell," experts emphasize.
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