13 November 2017

Stress from lack of money is worse than stress from work

Scientists have explained why financial problems are dangerous for health

RIA News

Financial difficulties cause severe stress in people, which, in turn, increases the risk of heart attack by 13 times, scientists from the European Society of Cardiology reported.

The results of the study are presented at the annual congress of the South African Cardiological Association in Johannesburg, briefly reported by the Eurekalert portal (Significant financial stress associated with 13-fold higher odds of having a heart attack).

Researchers interviewed 106 patients with acute myocardial infarction in a hospital in Johannesburg. They asked respondents whether they had experienced irritation and stress due to work or financial difficulties a month before the illness. At the same time, scientists interviewed a similar control group of healthy people, whose participants did not suffer a heart attack.

Scientists were able to find out that stress related to work or financial problems dramatically increased the likelihood of myocardial infarction. Thus, the risk for people experiencing serious or moderate stress at work turned out to be 5.6 times higher than for those who experienced little or no such stress. Patients who experienced "significant" stress due to the fact that they could not make ends meet were 13 times more vulnerable to this disease.

The study demonstrates the significant influence of psychosocial factors on the risk of myocardial infarction, which is often not given enough attention, the authors of the work believe.

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