23 May 2014

Triclosan is banned

In one of the US states banned antibacterial soap

Copper newsThe state of Minnesota became the first among the US states to completely ban the production and sale on its territory of consumer products containing a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent triclosan.

According to the Associated Press, the corresponding legislative act was signed by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (Mark Dayton). The law will come into force on January 1, 2017.

The decision to ban triclosan, which is part of about 75 percent of hygiene products sold in the United States – from toilet soap and toothpastes to wet wipes – is based on recent scientific studies that have shown that this disinfectant has a negative effect on the human body. Thus, experiments on laboratory animals have shown that triclosan can weaken the contractility of muscles, including the heart muscle. In addition, it turned out that triclosan causes damage to the reproductive system, reduces the quality of sperm, and also disrupts the production of sex hormones and thyroid hormones. Another negative consequence of the widespread use of triclosan, suggest the results of some studies, is the appearance of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics and other antibacterial agents.

At the same time, according to experts, there are no data indicating the greater disinfecting effectiveness of triclosan compared to simple soap and water as a measure to prevent the spread of infections, so the risk of its use exceeds the benefit.

According to the main lobbyist for the introduction of a ban on consumer products with triclosan in Minnesota, Senator John Marty, other US states, as well as the federal government, are ready to support the initiative of Minnesota, and many manufacturing companies plan to voluntarily remove triclosan from their products.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.005.2014

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