14 July 2023

In Russia, doctors will be banned from prescribing hormone therapy for transgender people

The State Duma Health Protection Committee has recommended that the bill banning sex reassignment be passed in the second reading. Deputies made a number of other toughening amendments. 

The State Duma Committee on Health Protection recommended the adoption in the second reading of the bill banning sex change and approved several amendments to it, RIA Novosti reported. In the Duma base, where the text of the bill is posted, the amendments have not yet been published. It is reported that approved an amendment to the Family Code on the annulment of marriage in case one of the spouses changed sex. In addition, such people will be prohibited from adopting children.
Deputy Chairman of the specialized Committee Sergei Leonov confirmed the approval of these amendments to the publication "Beware of the News". In addition, said the parliamentarian, doctors will be prohibited to prescribe hormone therapy for transgender people. 
According to the Duma base, the bill will be considered in the second reading on July 13.

In June, a bill to ban sex reassignment medical interventions in Russia was passed by the State Duma in the first reading. Deputies voted for it unanimously. Amendments are planned to be made to the law "On the Fundamentals of Citizens' Health Protection". Medical workers may be prohibited from performing sex change operations aimed at "including the formation of a person's primary and (or) secondary sexual characteristics of another sex". Such interventions will be possible only for the treatment of congenital physiological anomalies of sex formation in children. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a medical commission of a federal state institution.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health considers it important to ensure the availability of medical care for citizens with the relevant diseases when adopting the law banning sex reassignment surgeries in Russia, wrote "MV". In connection with the adoption of the bill, the Health Ministry also allowed the use of an abbreviated version of ICD-11 in Russia.
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