Accomplices of radicals
Carbonyloxides can become a new target for the fight against aging – for example, they will allow the creation of new types of antioxidants.
28.02.2020Carbonyloxides can become a new target for the fight against aging – for example, they will allow the creation of new types of antioxidants.
28.02.2020The discovery could be the first step towards creating a cure for a neurodegenerative disease that is currently incurable.
28.02.2020In Germany, a list of products and things that you need to have in case of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic and quarantine has been published.
28.02.2020A miniature wireless sweat sensor can accurately detect the level of cortisol – the stress hormone – in the body.
28.02.2020Artificial and living neurons located in different parts of Europe, connected via a memristor, were connected via the Internet.
28.02.2020Six months of table tennis can slow down the manifestation of the main symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
28.02.2020Employees of the Chinese company BGI Group were able to overcome an important milestone and reduce the cost of sequencing the human genome to $100.
27.02.2020Geriatrician Olga Tkacheva – about Alzheimer's disease, age-associated diseases and diabetes mellitus.
27.02.2020Blocking these genes in older mice somewhat prolongs their life, and, more importantly, slows down their cognitive aging.
27.02.2020A meta-analysis of the results of more than 200 studies has shown that obesity is a factor that accelerates all aging processes.
27.02.2020The startup Karius finds DNA of pathogens in the blood, including unknown ones, faster and more efficiently than standard medical tests.
27.02.2020Determination of the concentration of beta-amyloid in the blood of patients can show the likelihood of developing cardiac diseases.
27.02.2020The latest version of CRISPR corrects errors in genes without cutting DNA, which provides safer gene editing.
26.02.2020The device, called the "electronic nose", can diagnose a patient's Barrett syndrome by breathing.
26.02.2020Alexander Prokofiev (BIOCAD) – about what gene therapy is and why modern medicine should be engaged in this area.
26.02.2020Stimulating cardiomyocytes to consume glucose instead of fatty acids may help in the treatment of heart failure.
26.02.2020The technique created by American scientists allowed to obtain induced pancreatic cells that synthesize insulin.
26.02.2020Malignant cells act on nearby nerve fibers, changing them to their advantage.
25.02.2020A 30-year study showed that the mortality rate among people without higher education was 2.5 times higher than those who received it.
25.02.2020The Association of Nurses and the AdVita Foundation have launched a sociological survey to find out how strong the myths about cancer are in Russia.
25.02.2020You can write to the editor at:
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