Biosynthesis in microcapsules
The new technique is based on bacteria that react to changes in their own density, and special porous microcapsules.
19.09.2019The new technique is based on bacteria that react to changes in their own density, and special porous microcapsules.
19.09.2019Protein-based hydrogel can live in the body for more than two weeks and is able to provide a steady release of drugs.
19.09.2019A combination of circumstances helped Zhanna Kalman to live to such an age: good heredity, a prosperous environment and ... just luck.
19.09.2019If a person has lived below the poverty line for four years, then mentally and physically he will grow old before those who were more lucky with money.
19.09.2019Doctors note that patients who are passionate about a healthy lifestyle may not realize how much and what substances they receive with food.
19.09.2019Members of the tribe with the healthiest cardiovascular system began to gain weight quickly after a partial transition to the "Western" diet.
18.09.2019The company "Pharmedopolis RT" plans to produce medicines in Kazan with strange names for Russian-speaking consumers.
18.09.2019After vaccination with the neutralized Ebola virus, the monkeys bravely endured the introduction of a lethal dose of the usual virus.
18.09.2019There is still a lot of work to be done in studying the relationship between stress, tumor development and the peripheral nerves surrounding it.
18.09.2019An anonymous sperm donor with two mutations – in the MBD1 and SHANK1 genes – passed on autism to at least 12 of his descendants.
18.09.2019The genetic engineering and cloning company Sinogene is ready to provide cloning services to animal owners from Russia.
18.09.2019Temporarily disabling the synthesis of one protein in cells can interfere with the replication of enteroviruses that cause colds, polio and other diseases.
17.09.2019The developers hope to develop a fully functioning system for detecting tumor tissues during surgery within two years.
17.09.2019According to the level of autofluorescence of the lens of the eye, it is possible to determine prediabetes and the early stages of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
17.09.2019A very durable and elastic biodegradable material has been obtained from nanocellulose and spider web protein, which can replace many plastics.
17.09.2019Thanks to brain research and technology development, today's neural interfaces are capable of what once seemed impossible.
17.09.2019"Two-tailed" biobots controlled by neuromuscular tissue, which are triggered by light stimulation, can swim independently.
17.09.2019Mini-ring DNA is 14 times more effective at delivery and much more successful at destroying breast cancer in mice than plasmids.
16.09.2019The transformation of glial cells into nerve cells will help patients recover faster and more efficiently after a stroke.
16.09.2019A Brazilian experiment using GM mosquitoes to reduce the number of malaria carriers ended in failure.
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