Dementia prognosis
People with advanced retinopathy are more prone to memory loss and dementia than those whose eyes were completely healthy.
02.03.2018People with advanced retinopathy are more prone to memory loss and dementia than those whose eyes were completely healthy.
02.03.2018One of the skin bacteria, S.epidermidis, synthesizes a substance that protects against the development of skin cancer.
02.03.2018Selection has not stopped – it has become weaker, but it has not disappeared and will not disappear as long as we live in our biological bodies, and have not turned into robots.
01.03.2018The first period of the rut of cats living in temperate latitudes falls on March, when the sun begins to shine longer and stronger
01.03.2018It is possible that soon every person at birth will receive a genetic map with a prognosis of the risk of developing diseases.
01.03.2018Damage to a gene that suppresses the work of enzymes that break down "bad" cholesterol and fats cured mice of atherosclerosis.
01.03.2018A list of ten dummy medications that should be discarded. Surely you've heard of them, and maybe you've used them.
01.03.2018With the help of psilocin (a precursor of psilocybin), mushrooms discourage the appetite of those who feed on them or compete with them for resources.
01.03.2018Scientists have developed a method of ultra-high-resolution optical microscopy, which allows to obtain video images of moving cells.
01.03.2018Individual cells of diggers are able to age, but they do it safer for the body than the cells of other rodents.
01.03.2018Treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis with induced stem cells is possible – these are the results of a study on mice.
28.02.2018Scientists suggest influencing the tumor with the help of an ultrathin catheter, which is currently being developed by part of the team.
28.02.2018Describing most of the virus threats and assessing the risks associated with them is 10 times cheaper than eliminating one large-scale epidemic.
28.02.2018A recent study by Swedish scientists gives hope for the emergence of new methods of keeping muscles strong in old age.
28.02.2018The content of a new biomarker in the urine determines the biological age and risk of age-related diseases and predicts the time of death.
28.02.2018Rare (they are also called orphan – "orphan") diseases that occur with a frequency of 1 case per 1500-2500 people are considered.
28.02.2018Regeneration was achieved by implanting the progenitor cells of neurons into the site of injury.
28.02.2018The patterns found in the database of human DNA mutations turned out to be applicable to the genes of cows and other animals.
27.02.2018Scientists have proposed a new way to search for cancer stem cells. This will help to develop tactics to combat cancer relapses and metastases.
27.02.2018Employees of the University of California have proposed a clever way to stop cancer metastasis.
27.02.2018You can write to the editor at:
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