Sausage at 2.20
Those who yearn for Soviet quality products either did not eat like ordinary people, or simply do not understand what Soviet products are.
13.09.2017Those who yearn for Soviet quality products either did not eat like ordinary people, or simply do not understand what Soviet products are.
13.09.2017Scottish geneticists have found in human DNA a kind of "program" of brain aging that controls its development throughout life.
12.09.2017Chronic cyanide intoxication was received by an elderly Briton who had been using apricot kernel extract daily for five years.
12.09.2017Researchers from Australia have discovered a new combination of treatments that can stop the world's deadliest form of skin cancer.
12.09.2017Many vaping users do not stop smoking regular cigarettes. This increases the unpleasant consequences of tobacco use: coughing, wheezing and sputum production.
12.09.2017A group of German scientists published the structure of the β-amyloid fibrillae – the main component of amyloid plaques – with a resolution of 0.4 nm.
12.09.2017Scientists hope that the discovery of the molecular pathway of alcohol addiction formation will allow developing new methods of its treatment.
12.09.2017If the results obtained by Mitalipov's group are really contradictory, then such manipulations seem extremely risky.
12.09.2017Craig Venter's statements about the possibility of reconstructing a person's face from small mutations in his DNA do not correspond to reality
11.09.2017Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis were able to turn skin cells taken from healthy adults directly into motor neurons
11.09.2017It is dangerous even for absolutely healthy people, since large amounts of protein and fats can provoke diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines.
11.09.2017Recently, the news flew around the world: the first "child from three parents" was born. Why do we need this technology, and is this the first child with a third parent?
11.09.2017Microbes accumulating particles of iron compounds in the cytoplasm were "armed" with liposomes with an antitumor drug and sent to the center of the tumor.
11.09.2017Molecular biologist Greg Towers – about the immunodeficiency virus, the "Black Queen Effect" and the role of retroviruses in evolution.
11.09.2017Scientists from the University of Texas at Austin have developed a device that, when touching tissue, distinguishes a healthy area from a tumor area in 10 seconds.
08.09.2017The experimental drug golodirsen in phase I/II clinical trials coped with one of the forms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
08.09.2017Scientists from Spain and the USA studied what happens to cyclic processes in stem cells of different mouse tissues during aging.
08.09.2017In addition to the ferrochelatase enzyme, "vampire disease" can cause the ClpX protein, mutations in the gene of which disrupt hemoglobin synthesis and cause photophobia.
08.09.2017The cyclic ketogenic diet reduced mortality in mice in middle age and improved cognitive abilities in older animals.
08.09.2017The fluorescent dye makes it possible to distinguish pituitary adenoma cells from healthy ones during the operation, which significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.
08.09.2017You can write to the editor at:
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