500 starts-2012
The Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere announces the holding of open competitions for small businesses under the START-2012 program.
12.01.2012The Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere announces the holding of open competitions for small businesses under the START-2012 program.
12.01.2012The bodies of each of the three monkeys born at the Oregon Primate Research Center consist of a mixture of cells from six embryos. In each of the chimera macaques born, there are tissues containing six different genomes.
12.01.2012If the results of clinical studies confirm the data of experiments on mice, probiotic bacteria of the LKM512 strain will help to increase human life expectancy and improve the health of the elderly.
11.01.2012The introduction of young stem cells did not lead to a complete cure of progeria in mice, but perhaps the results obtained will help develop ways to prolong life with normal aging.
11.01.2012Annual screening of men over 50-60 for prostate cancer does more harm than good.
11.01.2012The use of nicotine patches improved the mental abilities of non-smoking patients with senile dementia.
11.01.201215 medicines that are at the final stage of clinical trials, which, according to analysts and representatives of development companies, have every chance of becoming blockbusters.
10.01.2012The project provides for the production of three groups of pharmaceuticals with carriers made of porous silicon and other nanomaterials – solid dosage forms with prolonged action, vaccines and organogels.
10.01.2012The editorial board of New Scientist magazine has selected the 10 most impressive biomedical achievements of 2011.
30.12.2011The final confirmation of the hypothesis about the relationship between increased autophagy activity and healthy aging of mammals, especially humans, would revolutionize the entire field of research on aging mechanisms.
30.12.2011Induction of autophagy with the help of pharmacological agents can increase the duration of a healthy life. It is very likely that autophagy not only protects cells, but also slows down aging at the organizational level.
30.12.2011Autophagy is traditionally considered a mechanism of self-destruction of cells, but there is more and more evidence that the launch of autophagy is necessary for the implementation of cytoprotective and /or aging-slowing effects of spermidine and resveratrol.
30.12.2011Kiel University specialists are planning to transplant fibrocytes grown from stem cells – precursors of mature connective tissue cells - into the inner ear of patients with age-related hearing loss.
29.12.2011Most of the most interesting nanotechnology developments in 2011 are related to nanomedicine.
29.12.2011Officials' statements about the possibility of a breakthrough in pharmaceuticals that could ensure Russia's own production of 90% of the necessary medicines by 2015 are a kind of stupefying myth.
28.12.2011The best biotechnological startups of the Formula BIO program were presented at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Science Park.
28.12.2011Biologists from the Weizmann Institute forced the immune system of animals to fight the disease associated with errors in the work of this system itself. For the virtuoso deception of the body, the authors used synthetic substances that imitate natural ones.
27.12.2011ISKCH invites you to take part in the V Annual International Symposium "Topical Issues of Gene and cell Technologies" (28.05.2012, Moscow, Renaissance Hotel).
27.12.2011You can write to the editor at:
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