Will beta blockers help with breast cancer?
If it is possible to prove the effectiveness of beta-blockers to prevent metastases in breast cancer, oncologists will receive an effective and safe drug.
30.03.2010If it is possible to prove the effectiveness of beta-blockers to prevent metastases in breast cancer, oncologists will receive an effective and safe drug.
30.03.2010The low efficiency of the implementation of the policy of innovative development has led to the activation of the process of "brain drain". In 2009, about 6,100 scientists and scientific specialists left Russia.
30.03.2010The issue includes several reviews describing the results of recent studies on various aspects of aging and the possibility of applying the results obtained to prevent age-related diseases and prolong human life and youth.
30.03.2010Creating a blockbuster, the film director cuts out extra frames from it, and a cellular machine called a spliceosome cuts out extra sections – introns – from the precursor molecule of matrix RNA. The new technology allows you to see the work of the splicer in real time.
30.03.2010The main topic of the round table "The Russian market of dietary supplements – problems and trends" was measures to counter fraud, "telephone healers" and other negative phenomena in the market of dietary supplements.
29.03.2010Bioethicists have counted 179 cases of violations of medical ethics in 11 different areas in the films of the second season of the TV series "Dr. House" and "Anatomy of Passion".
29.03.2010To see the DNA repair process, the scientists marked two repair proteins with quantum dots glowing in different colors and stretched the spiralized DNA molecule into several straight strands.
29.03.2010Glaucoma, which often occurs in elderly people, ranks second in the world among diseases that lead to vision restriction and blindness. The new method of diagnosis of glaucoma will allow several years earlier than the existing methods to detect the disease and begin treatment.
29.03.2010One of the "zinc finger proteins", Zscan4, rejuvenates dividing embryonic cells, restoring their telomeres to their original length. This makes embryonic stem cells eternally young and immortal.
26.03.2010Topics of the symposium: clinical application experience, fundamental, legal and ethical aspects of cell technologies, stem cell banking. Time and venue: Moscow, 27.09.2010.
26.03.2010For "cellular mesotherapy", his own (autologous) fibroblasts are isolated and cultured from a tiny fragment of the patient's skin. After a series of injections of living cells, the microstructure and appearance of the skin noticeably and permanently improve.
26.03.2010Cells are able to spontaneously achieve a state of immortality (immortalization) by gradually changing the expression of genes that control the processes of DNA repair, as well as cell growth and division.
25.03.2010If we can simulate in mammalian heart cells the process that is observed in danio rerio, we will understand why we have not yet observed the regeneration of the heart in humans.
25.03.2010Traditionally, age-related ailments have significantly "rejuvenated". However, there is also good news: if you are examined in time, you can detect serious diseases at the earliest stage and be cured.
25.03.2010The branch of the evolutionary tree on which a possible new species of hominins is located separated from the branch leading to us about a million years ago – long before the paths of modern man and Neanderthal diverged.
25.03.2010A new approach to the study of age–related memory changes – the study of the brain of people who have retained a good memory until old age - will make it possible to establish what exactly allows such people to avoid senile senility.
25.03.2010Botox and skin tightening are not enough to rejuvenate the face at all, since the metamorphoses that occur with aging are due to significant changes in the shape of the facial bones, especially the lower jaw.
25.03.2010Pleiotropin, a natural cell growth factor, stimulates the proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells not only in culture, but also in the conditions of the body.
24.03.2010Microglia – immune cells of the nervous system – destroys neurons in the brains of mice suffering from Alzheimer's disease, under the influence of signaling proteins synthesized by the neurons themselves. It remains only to learn how to block these signals.
24.03.2010On March 30, the Institute of Modern Development will host the presentation of the National Scientific Report "All about Cholesterol", which combines the whole range of information, research, statistics, analytics, problems and practical recommendations related to cholesterol.
24.03.2010You can write to the editor at:
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