Against prohibitions
The ban on patenting genomic editing technologies makes it difficult to conduct research in this area, Denis Rebrikov believes.
19.02.2020The ban on patenting genomic editing technologies makes it difficult to conduct research in this area, Denis Rebrikov believes.
19.02.2020The claims that this is immoral and "potentially destructive for the institution of the family" sound at least strange.
03.02.2020Initially, the shelter was intended for the maintenance of baboons, but now monkeys of various species live in it, aged in laboratories.
16.12.2019The scandalous story of modifying human embryos to protect against HIV is far from over.
06.12.2019Bioethicist Kevin Smith is sure that gene editing of embryos is not just permissible, but also necessary.
21.11.2019The creator of CRIPSR proposes to introduce regulation of the technology – quite strict, but not interfering with its development.
21.11.2019Supporters and opponents of genome editing talk about safety and the need for checks, but they don't seem to hear each other.
01.10.2019The 11-volume collection will include works by V.V. Veresaev, E.S. Botkin, F.G. Uglov, N.A. Berdyaev, Antoine Saint-Exupery and many others.
25.09.2019Examples of the birth of "three-parent" children in nature will help solve the ethical problems of "test tube children".
07.06.2019The genetic revolution has already begun, but we are not ready to treat these Promethean technologies responsibly.
22.05.2019The US Department of Agriculture made cannibals out of cats, and then killed them. The number of victims of senseless experiments is more than 4,000.
22.03.2019Leading experts and creators of CRISPR technology have called for a global moratorium on genetically modified people.
14.03.2019WHO has announced the convening of a group of experts to develop recommendations on editing the human genome.
27.02.2019When we say the words "ethics", "bioethics", we must understand what human rights and his responsibility to society are.
10.01.2019The scandal with the birth of the first genetically edited children in China forced Japanese officials to clarify their recommendations.
06.12.2018What the world should expect from the appearance of genetically modified people: opinions of scientists.
30.11.2018The use of genetic engineering to change human heredity is a gross violation of bioethics.
27.11.2018Is the progress of technology ahead of our ethics and will the values formed by the XX century withstand the challenges of the new time?
20.11.2018The report of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics reports that changes in the DNA of a human embryo may be ethically justified.
18.07.2018The Karolinska Institute in Stockholm announced that not only Macchiarini was to blame for the deaths of patients who had an artificial trachea transplanted.
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