15 March 2021

A window into the brain

Retinopathy may signal an increased risk of stroke, dementia and early death

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

The results of a new study involving 5.5 thousand people showed that a simple examination by an ophthalmologist can quickly identify people with increased risks of neurodegeneration and cardiovascular problems. If further diagnosis is not neglected, the chances of avoiding a stroke or significantly delaying Alzheimer's disease will be higher.

The author of the study, Michelle Lin, calls the retina a window into the brain. 


Her team wondered if simple retinal imaging could tell about brain pathologies. Compared to MRI of the brain, this method of examination is much simpler and more economical, so scientists sought to determine a clear relationship between retinal and brain damage.

The researchers analyzed data from 5,543 patients with an average age of 56 years. They assessed the signs or degree of retinopathy and its association with stroke, dementia and early mortality. The analysis took into account the gender and age of patients and other concomitant factors, including diabetes, hypertension and smoking.

The content of the report at the virtual International Conference "Stroke 2021" (March 17-19, 2021) is presented on the website of the American Heart Association (Retinal damage may signal higher risk of stroke, dementia and early death).

It turned out that against the background of retinopathy, the probability of stroke was more than twice as high, the risks of dementia increased by 70%, and the risks of early death increased over the next ten years.

Studies have also shown that patients with severe retinopathy were more likely to demonstrate brain pathologies on magnetic resonance imaging.

"Thus, if you have retinopathy, then consult a doctor to be examined additionally and reduce the risk factors for vascular diseases and dementia," Lin concluded.

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