13 October 2016

Analgesic restores nerve fibers


Scientists from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) have discovered a molecular mechanism that interferes with the regeneration of nerve endings. It turned out that the operation of this mechanism can be controlled with the help of pregabalin. This drug is prescribed to patients with spinal cord injuries as an analgesic.

After spinal cord injuries, axons – long processes of neurons – cannot recover. Neural pathways are regenerated in the early stages of embryo development, but after birth this function is lost. Scientists have suggested that after the embryonic stage of development, neurons intentionally restrain their growth using a molecular mechanism, which means that this mechanism can be reactivated.

To understand which gene is responsible for the regeneration of nerve fibers, the researchers studied mouse genes using bioinformatics. It turned out that the key role is played by Cacna2d2, which is responsible for the formation of synapses and their work. The gene programs the production of a protein that attaches ion channels to the cell membrane. This mechanism regulates the flow of calcium ions to neurons. It turned out that the drug pregabalin (PGB), which is usually prescribed to patients with spinal cord injuries as an analgesic, binds to calcium channels and promotes the restoration of nerve endings.

The tests on mice were successful – a few weeks after using pregabalin, the nerve endings recovered.

"PGB can have a regenerating effect if given to the patient as early as possible. In the future, this will allow us to create a completely new treatment method," neuroscientist Frank Bradke, one of the leaders of the study published in the journal Neuron (Tedeschi et al., The Calcium Channel Subunit Alpha2delta2 Suppresses Axon Regeneration in the Adult CNS, said (in a press release from Researchers activate repair program for nerve fibers – VM).

Previously, scientists from DZNE found that some cancer drugs can lead to the regeneration of nerve endings. This process occurs due to microtubules – long protein complexes that stabilize the cell body. The growth of microtubules is accompanied by the growth of axons. Scientists intend to study the relationship between this technique and the technique of the Cacna2d2 gene to track the relationship, Science Daily reports.

Recently, researchers from Rice University forced the damaged elements of the spinal cord to be restored using a new graphene-based Texas-PEG material. The researchers injected it into an experimental rat with severe spinal cord injury, and found that the first motor functions begin to recover after 24 hours. Two weeks later, the individual's condition improved significantly, and motor functions were almost completely restored. Scientists are also exploring other potential methods, including exoskeletons and virtual reality. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports describes an experiment involving eight patients, seven of whom were paralyzed after suffering spinal injuries (Donati et al., Long-Term Training with a Brain-Machine Interface-Based Gait Protocol Induces Partial Neurological Recovery in Paraplegic Patients). After a year of therapy using VR and exoskeletal suits, the test participants began to respond to touch and experience pain.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  13.10.2016

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