Do not release HIV from hibernation
Small doses of two drugs "put to sleep" the virus in the cells of several volunteers infected with "normal" HIV.
04.12.2018Small doses of two drugs "put to sleep" the virus in the cells of several volunteers infected with "normal" HIV.
04.12.2018The world's first gene therapy for cancer has cured 37 patients since its approval and has not led to any deaths.
03.12.2018Measurement of some properties of cancer cells reveals their susceptibility to drugs.
03.12.2018Antiretroviral therapy may act as a new potential cure for Alzheimer's disease.
29.11.2018Perhaps in the future phage therapy will become an effective alternative to antibiotics in Germany.
27.11.2018The addition of mannose to the diet of mice increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy, slows down the growth of the tumor, and helps to reduce its size.
26.11.2018The first clinical trial of multiple sclerosis immunotherapy was completed successfully for the majority of participants.
26.11.2018The immune system limits the potential diversity of tumor cells, destroying the most immunogenic.
26.11.2018An alkaloid found in a Congolese vine can stop the spread of pancreatic cancer cells and even kill them.
23.11.2018If you stop the mechanisms of movement of malignant cells, they begin to move differently or even freeze forever.
22.11.2018The modified oncolytic virus kills not only the tumor, but also fibroblasts protecting it from the immune system.
21.11.2018Vaccination of mice led to the fact that their immunity began to destroy not only beta-amyloid clippings, but also clusters of tau protein.
21.11.2018Scientists have tested for the first time on humans an experimental "star" system containing a weekly dose of medication in one capsule.
20.11.2018Scientists from Barcelona have developed an unusual way of delivering drugs directly to the brain – it is based on scorpion venom.
19.11.2018A new method of liquid biopsy determines any type of cancer at the earliest stage by epigenetic changes in DNA.
16.11.2018Mammoth Biosciences company intends to make the diagnosis of a variety of diseases simple and accessible.
15.11.2018The cost of materials required for diagnostics for one test is less than $5.
12.11.2018Parkinson's disease was approached from the immune side: reducing inflammation in the microglia improves the motor functions of experimental animals.
12.11.2018Removal of beta-amyloid from the blood in a phase III clinical trial reduced the progression of the disease by more than half.
12.11.2018The laboratory-on-a-chip developed by American scientists will increase the selectivity and accuracy of cancer immunotherapy up to 100%.
12.11.2018You can write to the editor at:
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