27 September 2019

Diagnosis by urine analysis

A simple test will detect deadly pancreatic cancer at an early stage

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

Today, most people are diagnosed with this at late stages, which is why the survival rate does not exceed a year. This will change soon: scientists are launching a large clinical trial, after which a quick and effective urine test can become the primary tool for examination.

Over a laboratory analysis of urine to detect dangerous pancreatic cancer, scientists from Queen Mary University of London has been working for more than ten years. Now the team is launching a clinical trial involving more than 3,000 people, which should prove the effectiveness of the method for implementation in medical practice.

The test measures the level of three specific proteins characteristic of the early stages of tumor development. Previous studies involving patients with pancreatic cancer and other organ pathologies have shown that the accuracy of the method is 95%.

If the study is successful, the analysis will be the world's first way to identify one of the most deadly types of tumors at an early stage.

Today, about 85% of patients are diagnosed at late stages, when treatment options are limited. The survival rate in this case does not exceed 6-12 months.

Early diagnosis will be able to detect the tumor at an early operable stage, which can increase the five-year survival rate by up to 60%, the authors said. Today, only 5% of patients achieve five-year survival.

The study will last for four years and will evaluate patients with suspected pancreatic cancer, as well as people without tumor symptoms, but with increased risks of developing this type of cancer.

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