Silver against tumors
Scientists from South Africa have developed a new family of anti-cancer drugs based on complex silver compounds.
28.03.2018Scientists from South Africa have developed a new family of anti-cancer drugs based on complex silver compounds.
28.03.2018Antibodies to a protein contained in small amounts in amyloid plaques can stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
27.03.2018A new antibiotic capable of destroying superbugs has been successfully synthesized and used for the first time to treat infection.
26.03.2018The drug, which is injected into the surgical wound after removal of the tumor, prevents its recurrence and metastasis.
26.03.2018The main topic of the new issue of the journal Science was cancer immunotherapy – a group of new approaches in the treatment of malignant tumors
23.03.2018The medicine developed in Kazan works no worse than existing ones and shows fewer side effects.
23.03.2018The bacteriophage in combination with an antibiotic relieved the patient of a hospital infection, which was unsuccessfully treated for several years.
22.03.2018CapioCyte technology allows you to bind 200 tumor cells in 1 milliliter of blood and monitor the reaction of the tumor to therapy.
20.03.2018The drug delivery system has a healing effect, even if it does not carry any medicine.
20.03.2018Microdoses of a popular drug for erectile dysfunction halved the number of tumors in the intestines of laboratory mice.
20.03.2018Taking a new hormonal drug suppresses sperm production and has a safe and reversible contraceptive effect.
19.03.2018Throughout its history, DARPA has also been engaged in medical projects.
16.03.2018Synthetic drugs based on D-amino acids promise the appearance of vaccines that can be taken in the form of tablets.
16.03.2018An express test will help you choose the right drug, and possibly stop the spread of antibiotic resistance.
16.03.2018Hydrogel, a slow-releasing immunotherapeutic drug, provides effective destruction of malignant cells.
14.03.2018Vaccination with tumor-specific peptides helps to cure cancer and avoid relapse for a long time.
12.03.2018Researchers have synthesized a substance that effectively destroys bacteria resistant to most antibiotics.
12.03.2018Some strains of pneumococcus in U.S. hospitals have become invulnerable to colistin, one of the "antibiotics of last resort."
07.03.2018American researchers are testing compounds that can help obese and unable to move people.
07.03.2018One of the skin bacteria, S.epidermidis, synthesizes a substance that protects against the development of skin cancer.
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