27 October 2021

Not only for athletes

Cocktail of amino acids stopped the development of dementia in mice

Georgy Golovanov, Hi-tech+

Eating protein foods is necessary to maintain brain function in old age. On a mouse model , scientists from Japan has demonstrated that taking a certain set of amino acids suppresses the death of brain cells, protects the connections between them and reduces inflammation. The researchers concluded that the Amino LP7 mixture is able to prevent the development of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

Article by Sato et al. Neurodegenerative processes accelerated by protein nutrition and decelerated by essential amino acids in a tauopathy mouse model is published in the journal Science Advances – VM.

Dementia, or loss of cognitive function, can be caused by a number of disorders, including Alzheimer's disease. According to WHO estimates, approximately 10 million people worldwide fall ill with some form of dementia every year. The disease mainly affects the elderly, and so far no simple and effective therapy has been found.

Experts from the National Institute of Quantum Sciences and Technology have found out in experiments on mice that a low-protein diet accelerates brain degeneration. Moreover, it turned out that a dietary supplement of seven amino acids — Amino LP7 — slows down this process in animals, according to a press release from the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology.


Magnetic resonance images showing the effect of Amino LP7 and diet on brain atrophy. The arrows point to the ventricles, which, according to observations, increase in size simultaneously with brain atrophy. – VM.

First, the researchers found out how a low-protein diet affects the brains of mice with Alzheimer's. In addition to neurodegeneration, they showed signs of weakening of neural connections. However, after taking Amino LP7, this effect stopped. The scientists then analyzed how Amino LP7 affects various signs of brain damage in the case of Alzheimer's disease.

Tests have shown that Amino LP7 therapy suppresses the death of neurons and, thereby, reduces brain degeneration, even despite the accumulated Tau proteins.

Analysis of the effect of Amino LP7 at the gene level showed that amino acids reduce brain inflammation and prevent the penetration of kynurenin, the causative agent of inflammation, into the brain. It also became clear that a cocktail of amino acids reduces neural death and strengthens neural connections, improving brain function.

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