HIV vaccine development continues
At the conference on retroviral and opportunistic infections, scientists presented the results of clinical trials of a new therapeutic vaccine against HIV.
28.02.2017At the conference on retroviral and opportunistic infections, scientists presented the results of clinical trials of a new therapeutic vaccine against HIV.
28.02.2017The decision to close the program was made after an independent committee concluded that there was virtually no chance of success for a new remedy for Alzheimer's disease.
17.02.2017An international team of scientists has successfully completed the first phase of clinical trials of a combined malaria vaccine. The results of the work are published in the journal Nature.
16.02.2017American biologists accidentally discovered that a drug used to restore the immune system during cancer chemotherapy protects future spermatozoa from death.
14.02.2017Researchers conducted a successful experiment on mice to use the ability of the rabies virus to overcome the blood-brain barrier to fight brain cancer.
13.02.2017Korean scientists have tested their method on animals and hope to start clinical studies of cancer therapy with genetically modified salmonella in a few years.
13.02.2017The new test made it possible to distinguish Parkinson's disease from atypical Parkinsonism, including in the early stages, with the same accuracy as a painful analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.
10.02.2017The process of brain damage caused by exposure to a toxic variety of tau protein can not only be stopped, but also reversed to a certain extent.
10.02.2017American scientists have reported the success of testing the male contraceptive Vasalgel on monkeys. The report on the work is published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology.
07.02.2017A side effect of the antitumor drug being developed may lead to the appearance of a drug against heart failure as a result of a heart attack.
07.02.2017In the experiment, one dose of an RNA vaccine developed by an international group of scientists provided mice and monkeys with long-term protection against infection with the virus.
06.02.2017The new platelet delivery system for the destruction of micro-tumors remaining after surgery has been successfully tested on animals.
03.02.2017Scientists from the USA reprogrammed skin cells so that they could fight a brain tumor. The first successful experiment was conducted on laboratory mice.
02.02.2017Pembrolizumab has proven effective already in the first clinical trials and has been approved for the treatment of melanoma. Now the possibilities of expanding the list of indications of the drug are being studied.
01.02.2017Researchers at Duke University and the Scripps Research Institute hope that broad-spectrum antibodies can help create a vaccine that protects against HIV.
01.02.2017The mechanism of metastatic bone damage in breast cancer can be blocked with the help of a RON protein inhibitor. The results of the Phase I tests look encouraging.
27.01.2017A treatment strategy based on the natural mechanism of absorption of DNA fragments by cells can be applied to most cancerous tumors.
25.01.2017The substance, which is usually used to prevent corrosion, leads to the depletion of cancer cells, removing oxygen from them, and at the same time it is safe for healthy tissues.
24.01.2017What we call chemotherapeutic drugs are substances that destroy cancer cells, or rather, these compounds destroy cell proliferation.
16.01.2017It is not yet clear how the mice vaccinated with bio-drops will react to infection with "real" tuberculosis, which scientists plan to check in the near future.
16.01.2017You can write to the editor at:
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