05 June 2015

Vladimir Uiba: The future belongs to personalized medicine

Non-standard "I"

Irina Krasnopolskaya, Rossiyskaya Gazeta

– You came to the clinic, went to the doctor. You are being treated according to the accepted standard. Is this the best option for medical care? With the answer to this question, a conversation began with the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Professor Vladimir Uiba.

Vladimir Uiba: Your question is not entirely correct. Standards of medical care have been adopted all over the world. They protect both the doctor and the patient from many mistakes. However, we must not forget that every person is an individual. And in no case should we ignore all the nuances of his body and habits, his professional activity, place of residence, marital status and, most importantly, the features of the genetic code – the genome. Otherwise, the success of treatment will be averaged, that is, insufficient.

– But you must agree, Vladimir Viktorovich, a personal approach, despite all its attractiveness, is not widely available.

Vladimir Uiba: So far, yes. But we have to fight this "for now" if we seriously care about health protection. We must strive to ensure that a personalized approach becomes an integral part of Russian medical care. What will it give? I'll explain. First of all, it will not only increase life expectancy, but also significantly improve its quality. So that it was not about old age, but about a long life of joy.

– Why have you only recently started talking about personalized medical care?

Vladimir Uiba: Because relatively recently science has deciphered the human genome. And the genome for a specialist is a kind of book of life, which you need to read all your life. This book allows you to see even the slightest genetic malfunction in the body. I would call such a failure a time bomb.

– Can this mine be cleared?

Vladimir Uiba: You can. And most importantly, it is necessary. This is the basis of personal medicine. Knowing the genetic "bookmarks", it is possible to prevent the occurrence of a fatal disease in the future. This is mine clearance.

Each person naturally has his own set of useful products, that is, those for which the body has its own set of enzymes, also given by nature. If the product falls into "dead water", that is, into one in which there are no necessary enzymes, then it is like a slow death for the body. Genomics makes it possible to determine for each person living or dead water. These are the main directions in which a doctor who has been trained in a special course of personalized medicine should determine your way of life. It is necessary to unload at least one day a week. It is best to do this on Monday

– Did you say "trained"? And where can I pass it? A graduate of a medical university who has received a doctor's degree, has knowledge of personalized medicine?

Vladimir Uiba: Not yet. The Federal Agency has developed a special course of study on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the FMBA and the Institute of Physico-Chemical Medicine of the FMBA of Russia. The course is designed for 144 hours. Upon graduation, the applicant receives a diploma of a specialist in personalized medicine. Now, for example, 70 doctors from the institutions of our agency are taking a specialization course.

– And if the doctor is not related to your agency?

Vladimir Uiba: He can become an applicant for our institute on a contractual basis.

– We are treated not only in the institutions of your agency. In medical institutions outside its orbit, such specialists will be or...

Vladimir Uiba: I hope without "or". Because in a modern medical institution such specialists are mandatory. Our agency is already preparing them not only for its agency personally. And we train not only doctors, but also nursing staff, whose role in personal medicine is extremely important.

– Is the training not focused only on purely genetic issues?

Vladimir Uiba: Of course not. Classes in psychology, sociology, nutrition, pharmacokinetics are provided. Training in personalized medicine is just beginning. We have trained only the first hundred specialists. For the country, it is a drop in the ocean. Such preparation should be on stream.

– Does the FMBA of Russia have sufficient material base for this? Are there any shots?

Vladimir Uiba: There is both a base for training and a base for practice. In Moscow and St. Petersburg.

– The basis for practice, specifically, in which institutions?

Vladimir Uiba: This is the Federal Medical Biophysical Center in Moscow and Clinical Hospital No. 122 in St. Petersburg.

– At least in these institutions, personal medicine is a common practice, or is it only the future yet?

Vladimir Uiba: We are still at the beginning of the road. But I am convinced that the right path has been chosen. And, I hope, we will live to see the time when personal medicine will become a mass phenomenon, accessible to everyone.

– Levada Center recently conducted a survey: who would you like to see your children in the future? The majority of votes were given to the profession of a doctor. After them, lawyers, economists, businessmen... I will not hide it, I was both amazed and pleased. I have always been convinced that there is nothing better and more important than healing...

Vladimir Uiba: It didn't surprise me at all. This is a response to stability in the country. When there is one, people strive for humanitarian professions. And healing is their bright representative. And if we prefer healing, it means that we believe in the future, we think more about our health. And, returning to the topic of our conversation with you, it means that there will be someone from whom to train personnel for personal medicine.

Recipe from Vladimir Uiba– While there is no availability of personal medicine, can you advise what should be done to get sick less now in order to "get away" from stress?

Vladimir Uiba: In my opinion, you need to love yourself more and take care of your health not in words, but in deeds.

I know that on Mondays, as a rule, you don't eat anything, just drink water or tea without sugar. Why?

Vladimir Uiba: There is no secret here. This is a physiological need of the body: it is necessary to unload at least one day a week. It is best to do this on Monday – after the excesses that we allow ourselves on weekends. That's all. That's the whole secret.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru05.06.2015

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