26 March 2013

Wound healing gel: from virtuality to reality

A gel has been created that can instantly stop bleeding

ABC magazine based on the materials of Humans Invent: The gel that stops bleeding instantly

Fans of video games and fantasy films probably know about the miraculous gel that can instantly heal any wounds. Now the creation of such a gel can become a reality – its prototype was developed by a student of the University of New York (New York University). The gel he created, called Veti-Gel, is able to quickly stop bleeding even with a very serious injury.

By a funny coincidence, this drug was originally developed under the working name Medi-Gel – the same name is the magic healing gel in the Mass Effect video game series.

As explained by the creator of the gel Joe Landolina (Joe Landolina), human skin cells are interconnected by a mixture of molecules, proteins and carbohydrates called extracellular matrix. The student developed a synthetic analogue of this matrix with the help of plant polymers, which in a fragmented state are a liquid. When applied to an open wound, the synthetic extracellular matrix begins to combine into one with the natural extracellular matrix. Polymers begin to harden quickly, the gel thickens and turns into a kind of skin.

In all the experiments carried out, the gel not only stopped bleeding instantly, but also activated the wound healing process. According to Landolin, the gel works in three directions at once. Firstly, it plays the role of "glue" for damaged skin. At the same time, he presses on the wound and tightens it, squeezing the bleeding vessels, which allows not to use a tourniquet. Secondly, when in contact with blood, the gel activates clotting factor 12. It, in turn, activates fibrin, a polymer necessary for the formation of a blood clot. Thirdly, the gel activates platelets, forcing them to attach to fibrin strands, which accelerates the formation of a clot. The gel is absolutely biocompatible with the human body and has no side effects. If necessary, additional medicinal molecules can be added to its composition, for example, antibiotics.

The gel is currently awaiting FDA approval. Military doctors of the US Army have already become interested in him. Currently, the American armed forces have some means to accelerate blood clotting during bleeding, but a doctor is needed for their use, and they begin to act no earlier than 3 minutes after application. When the issue of life and death is solved in a few seconds, instantly stopping the bleeding gel will be much preferable. The gel will also find use in any operating room and will help save the patient's life during sudden massive bleeding. And, of course, many parents will want to have such a tool in their home medicine cabinet in an emergency.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru 26.03.2013

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