A breath of salvation
Scientists from China have proposed to treat a severe form of coronavirus pneumonia by inhalation of exosomes of mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue.
31.08.2020Scientists from China have proposed to treat a severe form of coronavirus pneumonia by inhalation of exosomes of mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue.
31.08.2020Researchers from Stanford University caused regeneration of articular cartilage cushion in experimental mice.
26.08.2020In experiments on mice, scientists managed to replace non–functioning cellular "cleaners" - the cause of neurodegenerative diseases.
26.08.2020All the main types of cardiac cells were formed in the organoid, as well as structures similar to coronary vessels and chambers of the heart.
25.08.2020American scientists have created organoids that produce insulin and do not cause immune rejection during transplantation.
25.08.2020The cells of pigs' own hepatocytes are able to divide in the lymph nodes of animals and replace the functions of the damaged liver.
24.08.2020Stem cells are a kind of biological reserve of youth and health of any living organism, including humans.
27.07.2020The new chamber pump, created using 3D printing, consists of living heart cells and extracellular matrix proteins.
17.07.2020How mitochondrial diseases not only did not become the first achievement of gene therapy, but also remained the last bastion not taken at all.
17.07.2020Scientists were able to grow sperm progenitor cells and maintain their existence for several weeks.
14.07.2020Evidence of the effectiveness of cell therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory syndrome has been obtained.
09.07.2020Scientists have developed a neural network capable of recognizing the tissues of the forming retina even before its differentiation.
07.07.2020Rabbits implanted with a bioengineered uterus were able to conceive, carry and give birth to healthy offspring.
06.07.2020By examining organoids, scientists are trying to figure out how the virus moves in the body, which cells it infects and what damage it causes.
25.06.2020Retention of stem cells in the lungs with the help of a magnet improves their effectiveness in occupational disease – silicosis.
18.06.2020A new technique of three-dimensional printing allows you to create artificial tissues directly on the organ in the animal's body.
18.06.2020Organoids that produce cerebrospinal fluid can be used to predict the neurotoxicity of new drugs.
15.06.2020A method of targeted delivery of mesenchymal stem cells into damaged skin tissues using a tape with microneedles has been developed.
15.06.2020Scientists have developed a technology for three-dimensional printing of genetically engineered structures for targeted regeneration of bone tissues.
11.06.2020British and Dutch biologists have created a model of gastrula from stem cells – a human embryo aged 18-21 days.
11.06.2020You can write to the editor at:
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