Nanoparticles for bone and cartilage growth
Mineral nanoparticles can replace growth factors when differentiating stem cells into different cell types.
19.04.2018Mineral nanoparticles can replace growth factors when differentiating stem cells into different cell types.
19.04.2018There are already chimeras of amphibians, rodents, primates, humans. Why do researchers create biological monsters?
18.04.2018For the first time, "mini-brains" with a vascular network have been grown for research and implantation in patients.
09.04.2018Biologists have grown tissue from stem cells that reproduces the properties of the human heart with unprecedented accuracy.
06.04.2018With the help of stem cells, it was possible to stop the deterioration of vision in four patients with age-related macular degeneration.
06.04.2018There is hope for the cure of diseases that irreversibly reduce vision: immune cells of the retina can spontaneously regenerate.
23.03.2018Beta cell transplantation on a special bioplatform leads to the restoration of insulin levels in the blood in type 1 diabetes.
22.03.2018The introduction of their own mesenchymal stem cells can restore ovarian function in premature menopause.
22.03.2018A few years after the return of movement to paralyzed rats, scientists were able to understand exactly what is happening in the rodent body.
20.03.2018The concentrate of plant cells is not inferior in taste and nutritional value to the berries from which the original cells were obtained.
19.03.2018The biological pacemaker will consist of the cells of the patient's own body and will be able to replace the artificial device.
14.03.2018On the cell culture obtained from a woman with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it will be possible to study this pathology.
05.03.2018Regeneration was achieved by implanting the progenitor cells of neurons into the site of injury.
28.02.2018Specialists from Australia have developed a 3D material that promotes rapid and high-quality recovery of muscle tissue.
22.02.2018Lungs grown from human stem cells on collagen scaffolds work like real ones.
21.02.2018Now one out of 10,000 cells of a sheep embryo is human. Scientists plan to increase their number in chimeric embryos to 1%
19.02.2018Scientists from the Wake Institute of Regenerative Medicine have developed the most advanced mini-liver to date.
19.02.2018Induced pluripotent stem cells can be used for the prevention of cancer.
19.02.2018Modular assembly is a new way to create an artificial trachea that can be supplied with blood vessels of the recipient's body.
16.02.2018Transplantation of own stem cells ensures the restoration of lung structures damaged by diseases.
15.02.2018You can write to the editor at:
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