Treatment of diabetes complications
Muscle tissue stem cells are able to restore peripheral blood circulation in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
09.11.2017Muscle tissue stem cells are able to restore peripheral blood circulation in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
09.11.2017Transplantation of young vascular endothelial cells stimulates "old" stem cells of bone marrow and other organs.
03.11.2017Stem cell differentiation is a complex multi–step process. On the way to the final state, the cell goes through a number of intermediate stages.
30.10.2017Professor Derrick Rossi – about what stem cells are, how they affect human life and what diseases can be cured with their help.
27.10.2017Skin stem cells "remember" about the damage and heal wounds faster next time, but the same process can also lead to the development of psoriasis.
23.10.2017British biologists have received a culture of stem cells with expanded potency (Expanded Potential Stem Cells, EPSCs).
13.10.2017Biologists from Boston managed to grow fragments of human intestines inside the body cavity of a rat.
11.10.2017The in vitro study opens up new prospects for the restoration of hard tissues – bones, teeth and cartilage.
04.10.2017The treatment of the recipient's bone marrow concentrate with donor bone tissue improves its integration and accelerates joint recovery.
28.09.2017With the help of cord blood stem cells, researchers have improved the functioning of the heart in patients with heart failure.
28.09.2017Under microgravity conditions, it is possible to apply a fundamentally new approach – the "formative" production of tissue constructs and organoids.
27.09.2017Growing cancer cells in conditions as close to natural as possible will allow you to get more realistic results when testing drugs.
20.09.2017The new technology of "nanopinks" (nanokicking) allows to grow three-dimensional samples of mineralized bone tissue from mesenchymal stem cells.
15.09.2017Iron nanoparticles in embryonic stem cells allowed us to give them the right structure and influence their differentiation.
13.09.2017If the results obtained by Mitalipov's group are really contradictory, then such manipulations seem extremely risky.
12.09.2017Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis were able to turn skin cells taken from healthy adults directly into motor neurons
11.09.2017Recently, the news flew around the world: the first "child from three parents" was born. Why do we need this technology, and is this the first child with a third parent?
11.09.2017So far, they are being used for scientific purposes to understand how organs work, how diseases develop. But it's only a few steps from that to transplantation.
07.09.2017Experiments on growing pancreatic islets with vessels "in vitro" were crowned with success. This discovery is fundamentally important for transplantology.
04.09.2017Japanese scientists have grown dopaminergic neurons from stem cells in the primate brain. This opens the way to successful treatment of Parkinson's disease in humans.
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