Step-by-step instructions
The first roadmap has been developed, which describes in detail how stem cells become sensory interneurons.
21.07.2022The first roadmap has been developed, which describes in detail how stem cells become sensory interneurons.
21.07.2022A metal nanowire and a magnetic field accelerate the transformation of stem cells into bone tissue.
14.07.2022Screening of low molecular weight protein kinase inhibitors revealed a potentially effective drug that prevents the development of cysts.
12.07.2022The reconstruction of the spiral structure of the myocardium brought bioengineers closer to creating an artificial heart.
11.07.2022A study by scientists from the United States demonstrates equal chances of conception in the case of using frozen and fresh sperm.
07.07.2022Vegetable "meat" proteins are less actively consumed by cell culture. Most likely, the same thing happens in the digestive system.
28.06.2022Three molecules contribute to the development of organoids that surprisingly accurately mimic the cerebral cortex.
24.06.2022A mixture of molecules transforms pluripotent cells into their more powerful precursors – totipotent stem cells.
24.06.2022A modular microfluidic system with 3D printing will accelerate the large-scale production of stem cells.
21.06.20223D printing with ink with contractile blocks obtained from stem cells creates a tissue that repeats the structure and functions of the myocardium.
10.06.2022Japanese scientists have developed a method of coating a robotic finger with living human cells.
10.06.2022A new method of delivering cells in a shrink wrap helps them to linger longer and better take root in damaged tissue.
07.06.2022As a material for the manufacture of cartilage, scientists used the patient's own chondrocytes from a fragment of the cartilage tissue of her ear.
06.06.2022The use of frozen eggs taken from a woman at a young age, and not right before IVF in 30-40 years, improves the results.
27.05.2022A robotic joint that mimics the movements of a human shoulder has helped create payloads for the cartilage tissue growing on it.
27.05.2022The new strategy has demonstrated high efficiency in mouse models of glioblastoma.
20.05.2022Russian scientists were the second in the world to obtain organoids of the bronchi and lungs from cells obtained from patients with cystic fibrosis.
20.05.2022The authors plan to start clinical studies of progenitor cells for the treatment of infarction within two years.
18.05.2022The Australian Senate has passed a law by a majority vote legalizing the clinical use of donor mitochondria.
18.05.2022In the retina taken from a dead donor five hours after death, it was possible to stimulate cellular activity characteristic of living eyes.
16.05.2022You can write to the editor at:
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