23 April 2009

Actually, old people's teeth don't grow...

The "toothy" grandfatherIrina Nikolaeva, "MK in St. Petersburg", 22.04.2009

An unexpected event happened in the life of St. Petersburg Eduard Goebel. At the 81st year of his life, he suddenly, like a baby, grew two new teeth. The old man is in joyful shock – you see, besides the teeth, something else will appear…

New Year's gift

Eduard Brunovich's teeth erupted right on New Year's Eve.

– I've been wearing prosthetics for the last few years, and then I feel some kind of seals in the gum. And then I went to the dental clinic, as soon as I opened my mouth, the doctor screamed: "Yes, you have new teeth growing!"

Moreover, Goebel asks for "fresh" teeth not to be confused with the wisdom tooth. He, they say, fell out of it a long time ago.

Dentists, without asking unnecessary questions, decided to tear newborn teeth.

– I was so confused that I allowed myself to be put on a cart, – says Goebel. – A young doctor came with ticks. The second partner, already elderly, is standing on the side. They hooked a tooth and began to drag, almost broke their neck.

After the execution (grandfather was not even given anesthesia!) Eduard Brunovich decided not to give the second tooth. He took the removed tooth home to show his family and friends. I even went to the representative office of the Guinness Book of Records, they gasped and recorded my grandfather in their Talmud. And almost the whole house came running to see the tooth.

– We have a neighbor dentist with 50 years of experience, – says his wife Lyudmila Valentinovna. – So she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw it.

Eduard Brunovich opens his mouth and demonstrates the "survivor". He had only four native teeth left – along with a new one. But the old man considers it separately.

– I read an article in your newspaper that in 1908 an 80-year–old resident of Luga grew seven new teeth, - he takes out a neatly cut newspaper sheet from his passport. – A hundred years have passed, now I am a phenomenon.

Gnawing on pieces of wood

Eduard Brunovich is a blockade runner.

– I am a Russian German. The father was repressed. They lived with their mother and brother. I was 14 years old during the blockade. My teeth were gnawing on pieces of wood.

He would have perished forever in hungry Leningrad, if not for a neighbor who worked in the district executive committee. She added Edik and his brother to the lists of the chekist's children, and the boys were taken to the mainland.

After the war, he returned to Leningrad, worked at the Research Institute of Military Equipment, brought to mind the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

For an 81-year-old, Eduard Goebel feels great.

"I'm still running," he says. – Five years ago, he fell on the porch of a store, broke his hip neck. But I got up anyway. I do gymnastics every morning.

Science is powerless to understand

The director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Vladimir Havinson, at first did not even believe in the existence of new teeth in our grandfather.

– The formation of new teeth in an old person is unknown to fundamental science, – the professor decided.

But the information that Eduard Brunovich has both a medical certificate and the teeth themselves, which he is ready to present at any moment, finally forced the gerontologist to doubt his categorical conclusion.

– Theoretically, he may have new teeth, – says Vladimir Havinson. – Apparently, these were the beginnings of some teeth, the growth of which could be delayed due to the same blockade. Rather, these are not new teeth, but old ones that did not germinate at the time. Such a developmental delay.

– Or maybe the reason for all the hidden rejuvenation processes?

– This is possible from the point of view of science fiction. Someone ate paradise apples and became 20 years younger. But all this is nonsense! In science, unlike pseudoscience, the main thing is evidence. And to confirm the truth, statistics are needed.

In general, Professor Havinson refused to study the miracle grandfather at the Institute of Gerontology. Eduard Goebel was left with his artifact in proud solitude. But Grandpa is not discouraged.

"I demand that they give me a medal," he laughs.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru23.04.2009

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