14 March 2013

Better than endless horror

Carcinophobia forced the woman to achieve the removal of a completely healthy intestine

Medical portal "Health of Ukraine" by MailOnline:
A gene test told Lynne she risked bowel cancer. So she took a drastic decision...Modern methods of genetic analysis make it possible to predict the risk of developing certain oncological diseases.

Some people, after learning about their bad heredity, get rid of "unreliable", but still quite healthy organs.

In many cases, a mutation of a certain gene can be transmitted in the genus from generation to generation. For example, back in the XIX century, doctors, thanks to their observation, knew that a woman whose mother, grandmother or aunts had breast cancer had a very high risk of also becoming a victim of this disease.

But only nowadays the hereditary nature of some forms of cancer has been proven through the creation of methods of genetic analysis.

Such a procedure is quite popular in Western countries, but very soon after its introduction into medical practice, doctors faced an unexpected moral and ethical problem.

Very many women, having learned about their genetic predisposition to breast cancer, demanded that they remove perfectly healthy mammary glands – gradually such operations "on request" became almost routine, as many doctors met such requests.

Now this phenomenon, which professional doctors treat very ambiguously, has reached a new level.

A resident of the USA, 51-year-old Lynne Fisher (Lynne Fisher) achieved a complete removal of the colon, in which there was no pathology.

When she was 34 years old, her father and his brother, Uncle Lynn Fisher, died with a difference of 1 year. Both were killed by colon cancer. Another 10 years later, her younger brother also died from the same disease. Two years later, the same form of cancer claimed the life of her older brother.

By that time, doctors had already been able to conduct genetic analysis in almost any clinic, and such an examination showed that Lynn is a carrier of a special gene mutation that dramatically increases her chances of getting bowel cancer.

After her urgent demands, the surgeons performed a very complicated operation on her: they removed the colon almost completely, and the small intestine was "reconstructed" in such a way that it partially took over the functions of the tolstoy.

"Now 30 minutes after each meal, I need to visit the toilet. But I do not regret my decision: the fear of dying from bowel cancer has left me," says an unusual patient.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru14.03.2013

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