28 April 2011

Diseases inherited from Mom

Genetics: how many chances to get sick?
MedikForum based on the materials of the Daily Mail: Do women inherit their mother's health?
(with abbreviations and inaccuracies, but how much did they buy... – VM)

Do women inherit health from their mothers? Let's try to determine how important the role of genes is in a variety of ailments from obesity to breast cancer, and how much they depend on lifestyle.

When some serious diseases occur, such as cancer or dementia, people often wonder what could have caused them. Was a not too healthy lifestyle to blame for this? In this case, phrases like: "My friend's father drank and smoked all his life and lived up to 95!" are often heard. This suggests that to a certain extent our health depends on heredity. And yet, what is more important? This list of ailments was compiled by well-known British experts. So…

Migraines – 70-80% depend on maternal heredity, scientists have already found a gene that is responsible for this. People at risk should be careful with products such as chocolate, coffee, cheese, citrus fruits and red wine – they can cause the onset of an attack.

Breast cancer – only 3% of cases are inherited, the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are to blame. Usually the genetic predisposition is determined in advance. If the chances are very high, it is recommended to have a preventive mastectomy. 97% of the disease is caused by other causes, including risk factors such as smoking, alcohol, junk food, stress.

Depression – 10% occurs due to genetic predisposition. Otherwise, they are caused by chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, stressful conditions, alcohol intake, etc.

Obesity – owners of two copies of one of the variants of the FTO gene have a 70% higher risk of developing obesity than those who do not have "bad" copies of this gene. Another study showed that only 4% of normal-weight mothers have obese daughters, and 41% of overweight mothers have such. The risk factors for obesity are well known.

Rheumatoid arthritis – up to 50% of cases are due to hereditary causes. Other risk factors include smoking, red meat consumption and caffeine addiction.

Early menopause – genes explain 70-80% of cases of this condition. Early menopause is often observed in women who have recovered from cancer. There are no serious preventive measures against early menopause.

Alzheimer's disease – heredity increases the risk of this disease by 3-5%. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise, monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This can reduce the risk of developing a terrible disease by 20%.

Heart diseases – up to 20% of cases are of hereditary origin. Prevention of heart diseases consists in a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru28.04.2011

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