19 November 2013

Do you want to lose weight? Ask the geneticist how!

Siberian scientists have found an effective way to fight excess weight

Сибкрай.гиA system for determining a person's predisposition to overweight was developed by Siberian scientists.

It is based on the identification of nine special genetic markers, each of which indicates the cause of excess weight. The staff of the Center for New Medical Technologies and the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine have also developed recommendations on how to deal with this weight in one case or another.

"Overweight and obesity are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a significant risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension and ischemic stroke, and other very unpleasant vascular events," said Natalia Koch, researcher at the Laboratory of Personalized Medicine at the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS. – In addition, excess weight negatively affects the endocrine system: This is an additional risk factor for diabetes mellitus II, which is caused by insulin resistance of body tissues and impaired glucose utilization. In addition, obesity can be an independent or additional cause of female and male infertility. In addition to the obvious lifestyle-related reasons, certain genetic characteristics of the patient may also be "to blame" for the development of the metabolic syndrome."

According to her, each person has their own unique set of genetic variants, the definition and analysis of which makes it possible to form recommendations for lifestyle changes and physical activity, "resulting in additional weight management capabilities."

"The analysis of genes is carried out once in a lifetime, because they do not change with age. Therefore, the greatest effect can be achieved when testing children in order to form their eating behavior based on the analysis of genetic data, which will be aimed at preventing overweight and related multifactorial diseases. This will lead to an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in disability associated with cardiovascular diseases," Koch said.

Gene  Function of the encoded protein  Interpretation when identifying a pathological variant 
FTO It is associated with the regulation of calorie intake, so it is more difficult for people with a mutation of this gene to control the portion volume, they later get a feeling of satiety. Predisposition to excess body weight due to presumably reduced insulin sensitivity of the saturation center and increased appetite. It is recommended to limit portions, monitor the amount of calories consumed (according to age and gender).
FABP2 A carrier of fats in the small intestine. Predisposition to excess body weight. Fats that we get from food are more actively absorbed. It is recommended to reduce fat intake by avoiding animal fat.
PPARG It plays a key role in the formation and growth of fat cells. Predisposition to excess body weight. Increased activity of fat cell growth when fats enter the body. It is recommended to reduce fat intake at the expense of animal fat. It is advisable to periodically arrange fasting days with a low fat content in the diet (or fasting).
ADRB2 Type 2 receptor for adrenaline and norepinephrine. Predisposition to excess body weight due to a decrease in the activity of glycogen consumption. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially foods with a high glycemic index.
ADRB3 The receptor for adrenaline and norepinephrine is type 3. Predisposition to excess body weight due to reduced activity of the receptor response to stimulation by agonists and less expenditure of fat reserves during moderate physical exertion. High-intensity interval training is suitable for adults to reduce body weight. It is vital for children with this genetic variant to be involved in regular active sports (football, swimming, sports dancing).



Metabolism of corticosteroid hormones.

Salt metabolism.

Predisposition to fluid retention in the body and the formation of puffiness. Risk factor for hypertension. It is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt because it is more slowly excreted from the body. Reduced consumption of table salt will be a protective factor against hypertension. Eating slightly unsalted food can lead to a slight decrease in appetite and a natural restriction of the portion eaten. The limited intake of salt into the body will lead to a decrease in fluid retention and a quick tangible result at the first stage of weight correction.
2 loci
Metabolism of caffeine and some drugs (fluoroquinolones). There are 3 subgroups of people:
1) Consumption of natural coffee does not affect the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the drink can be used as a stimulant, if necessary, while following a calorie-restricted diet;
2) It is necessary to limit the use of coffee in view of the slow metabolism of caffeine and the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases;
3) Coffee consumption is desirable, because for them coffee is a protective factor against the development of certain types of tumors.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.11.2013

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