08 February 2016

Early and late birds

Scientists have found the genes that make us divide into larks and owls

The discovery suggests that adherence to certain rhythms is genetically determined in humans.

Similar studies have already been conducted on mice or fruit flies, and now geneticists have more and more opportunities to study human genetic material directly. Scientists found the addiction by comparing samples of 90,000 customers of the company.

"We think of our preferences as our own desires or as part of our essence – but all these things are based on biology," says David Hinds, who deals with statistical genetics at 23andMe. "I think it will be interesting for people to find out how their biology affects their personality."

Statistical analysis together with customer survey data revealed 15 genome regions strongly correlated with people's daily routine. At the same time, these genes individually had little effect on statistics, but when combined into a group, they gave a statistically stable result.

Tellingly, the genes in seven of the 15 sites found are responsible for the circadian rhythms of the body, and some for phototransduction, the conversion of light entering the retina into electrical impulses entering the brain. It is known that circadian rhythms - cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes associated with the change of day and night - are strongly associated with lighting.

In subsequent studies, it will be necessary to take into account such factors affecting statistics as errors in filling out questionnaires, the influence of weather and seasonal fluctuations, and to identify specific genes responsible for such behavior. In any case, it is already clear that genes have a strong influence on the choice of sleep and wake schedules. Further research will not only help to better understand the biology of the human body, but also lead to practical results.

For example, it is known that the assimilation of drugs depends on the biological rhythms of a particular person. A more accurate definition of circadian rhythms will allow patients to administer smaller doses of medications and thereby minimize side effects.

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