18 October 2018

How dangerous is it?

The algorithm distinguishes fatal prostate cancer from controlled

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

A new diagnostic approach determines the genetic features of the tumor. This will eliminate unjustified operations and prescribe a truly effective treatment to the patient.

Scientists from University of York (UK) and The University of British Columbia (Canada) has found a way to distinguish fatal prostate cancer from curable cases. The test has an accuracy of 92% and can save tens of thousands of dollars, excluding useless operations and radiation therapy, according to the website of the University of York (Distinguishing fatal prostate cancer from ‘manageable’ cancer now possible).

The team used a computer algorithm to analyze genetic models. In total, more than 500 samples of cancerous tissues were examined, which were then compared with healthy ones.

As a result, out of almost a million biomarkers studied, 17 diagnostically important for prostate cancer were identified.

"We not only identified malignant neoplasms in the tissue, but also were able to identify the most dangerous cases," emphasizes researcher David Pellakani.

Now the team is conducting additional research to attract commercial partners and make the test available for clinical use.

Another effective diagnostic tool for the presence of cancer is also preparing to enter the market. Scientists have created a universal laboratory test that will detect or exclude cancer.

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