16 March 2021

microRNA is to blame

Scientists understand why diabetics die from heart disease

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

The discovery also explains why stem cell therapy for heart disease has so far been ineffective in diabetic patients. It turned out that the reason for this is certain microRNAs, on which the survival of stem cells and the formation of new blood vessels depend.

Although type 2 diabetes is successfully controlled by drugs during life, with age the disease causes complications to the heart, blood vessels, eyes and causes other irreversible problems. It is believed that more than 50% of diabetics die precisely because of heart disease. Now researchers from University of Otago (New Zealand) they explained how and why this happens.

Scientists knew that, for example, stem cell therapy for heart diseases is effective in many patients with the exception of diabetics. New experiments have shown that the reason lies in microRNA molecules that control gene expression.

Then they determined the number of damaged microRNAs in heart stem cells on the background of diabetes and found out that the level of one of them – miR-30c – decreases. MiR-30c is crucial for the survival of stem cells, growth and formation of new blood vessels, and all these functions are necessary for successful stem cell treatment, scientists explain.

Soon, scientists also discovered that miR-30c is reduced in stem cells in patients without diabetes, but after heart surgery.

Experiments on a mouse model of type 2 diabetes have shown that the level of miR-30c in the heart can be corrected with a "simple injection," according to the findings of the study.


Article by Purvis et al. Diabetes induces dysregulation of microRNAs associated with survival, proliferation and self-renewal in cardiac progenitor cells is published in the journal Diabetologia.

The results of this experimental therapy are even more important than the discovery itself, the authors emphasize, since they point to new possibilities for treatment with the aim of activating stem cells without the need for their introduction.

"microRNA–based drugs can change the approach in the treatment of heart diseases in diabetics," commented the author of the work Rajesh Katare. Currently, scientists have found four more potential candidates – microRNAs, which can also potentially activate stem cells. Perhaps others will be even more effective, or scientists will be able to apply a combined approach to enhance the result of treatment. The team is currently conducting further preclinical studies.

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