21 October 2010

Genetically modified water, fresh Aral…

Bloggers ridiculed the news about "genetically modified water"<url>
Bloggers reacted vividly to the message of Radio of Russia dedicated to the forum "Clean Water-2010".

On the morning of October 21, posted on the radio station's website, hundreds of Runet users commented on their Livejournal and Twitter accounts.

In particular, a link to the news report of the federal radio station appeared in the ru_marazm community. "Any water can be purified, experts note, only it will not be natural drinking water, but genetically modified water," the news says.

In addition to the idea of genetic modification of water, which, as is known, consists of hydrogen and oxygen, and like any other inanimate matter, has no genes, the attention of bloggers was attracted by several more theses expressed by the author of the message and experts of the Clean Water program.

For example, the news indicates that the "largest source of fresh water" is the Aral Sea or the Aral Sea – a salt lake on the border of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In addition, the author of the message notes that "dirty water can also be obtained from the water supply system if the pipes are rusty," and in this regard cites the opinion of experts that "in the country about 50 thousand kilometers of sewer networks require urgent replacement."

In conclusion, the author of the news notes that from next year the Clean Water program will become a federal target, and 3 billion rubles have been allocated from the budget for it.

The Clean Water program was launched in 2006 on the initiative of Boris Gryzlov and the United Russia Party. Initially, the authors of the program assumed that about 30 billion rubles would be allocated from the budget to finance it.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.10.2010

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