14 January 2010

Get a prize and lose weight: the results of the competition

In the materials sent to the contest "Get a prize and lose weight", most often there were variations on the theme "an effective method of losing weight of the wallet", "how the hell did they get it with their brazen and vile advertising – everyone is looking for fools and, apparently, they find ...", etc.

Indeed, they do – but more on that below.

Of the original works , I would like to emphasize the following:

  • Fat burning by the method of Joan of Arc?
  • Ahtung! When these nanobots turn all your fat into gray slime, they will take over your mosk!
  • Weight loss by 20 kg per week. Ryazan quarries. Ask Foreman Pasha.
  • Purgenum. Daily after meals.
  • I'm hu(d) her, dear editorial staff, 6-year-old Vasya writes to us...
  • It's very simple! This is a miraculous patch. You just seal their mouth – and the problem of overeating is solved!

But, in addition to sane people with a more or less pronounced sense of humor, two enchanting assumptions came about the mechanism of action of slimming nanometrics. We asked the authors again – they are not joking!

  • Hello! I would like to win a weight loss device, but not for myself, but for my brother, since I am not overweight, I have long understood: to be in shape, you need to move and "NOT EAT", or eat nanoports :), but my brother is overweight and an unhealthy lifestyle, I assume that nanometrics is based on some nanoparticles that need to be swallowed, and they, as the body's orderlies, will clean it from the inside, themselves, so there will be no need to make efforts. Well, I guess so. Thanks for your attention!

And another naive comrade:

  • Apparently, this device, through vibration or some other radiation (pulse action), firstly, actively burns excess fat in the body, and secondly, contributes to the creation of a psychological or physical barrier when taking excessive or improper food. That is, the body itself, without any exhausting imposed diets, understands what it needs for an active healthy life. And a person, thus, switches to a new, the only CORRECT and necessary diet.

Some of those who did not theoretically assume, but still got to the site minus10kg.ru , had the sense to write out a miracle nano CD by cash on delivery - AFTER they read all the nonsense that is written there! One of these simpletons even wrote (to us in the editorial office – the sellers of the quack technique have no ends to find and there is no one to file a complaint):

  • I purchased a 25 frame disc. I installed it on a PC, but it does not turn on. Tell me how to turn on the program correctly? There is a "sun" on the C disk. But double-clicking does not open. I'm really waiting for an answer.

And it's good that it doesn't open. Another naive girl had a program that worked to tears. But she's still unhappy:

  • They send a disk "Weight Loss – 25 frames" for 920 rubles, a disk with a virus. Where can I turn to stop this mess?

Where-where?! In Sportloto! Smart people, looking at the description of this technique, do not order a disk with a virus, but write angrily:

  • Are you aware that the effect of the 25th frame is a complete fiction and pseudo-discovery? The person who "discovered" this phenomenon, grabbed a lot of money and was like that. Subsequent studies have shown the absence of any impact on the psyche of this "25th frame". So this method of losing weight with might and main says: "Hey, suckers! Have you tried our diet yet?! Then we are coming to you"!

And indeed. And on the site from which we took this colorful advertisement, and on a bunch of other sites, they sell a computer weight loss program based on a hundred years ago and a thousand times in millions of copies of the exposed technique of the twenty-fifth, sorry for the rude word, frame. And they offer to learn languages in the same manner, and to master NLP, and ... Why am I going broke – doesn't spam come to you yourself?

And if someone still does not know what this method is, I recommend the article by A.P. Repyev "The myth of the 25th frame. The Russian chapter"

And now – the distribution of elephants

After a short discussion, the organizing committee of the contest unanimously decided that without cheating, an effective device for weight loss in the design for VIP (Visual Image Presentation :) all participants of the contest can get it, and in general everyone who wants to – here it is, copy and own it!

If you want, you can make a similar device in a budget version – plastic or even steel. Naturally, use for food consumption (any!) you can use this and only this device – and then you will definitely lose weight.

A Healthy Skeptic
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru14.01.2010

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