16 December 2011

Mobile phone CURES cancer, Alzheimer's and many other diseases!

European sensation: electromagnetic smog does not break DNAPavel Molodchik, "Computer Review"

Many have come across ominous reports on Russian-, Ukrainian- and pro-language websites about the experimentally proven direct ability of mobile phone radiation to break DNA molecules (which, in turn, is fraught with cell death or their malignant degeneration).

From news sites, these messages migrated to zhezheshechki and popular paper publications and became public domain.

The experiments in question were conducted within the framework of the REFLEX (Risk Assessment of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) project, paid for by European taxpayers. Even before 2005, when their results were published in the narrow-profile scientific journal Mutation Research, there were alarmist journalists who adapted them for the general public and launched them on a big voyage.

The "mobile phone lobby sitting on billions" at first tried to ignore the growing hype. When the tactic of silence began to look indecent, there were calls from Sony-Ericcson, Nokia and Motorola marketers not to rush to conclusions, to conduct additional research, but no one took this pathetic babble seriously (it is known that if you justify yourself, then you are guilty).

After that, the hype gradually subsided (discussion of even the most terrible news after repeated repetition is boring).

However, recently in Germany this story received a loud continuation: it turned out that one of the graduate students who defended her PhD thesis within the framework of the REFLEX project grossly falsified the results. At first, they wanted to cancel the scientific title, but now they seem to have decided to do with less drastic measures, forcing the author to "rewrite everything as it should be."

The falsification was revealed by Professor Alexander Lerchl, who decided to test the fidelity of his scientific intuition. She, intuition told him that for the direct destruction of organic molecules, the intensity of electromagnetic radiation must be millions of times greater than that of a mobile phone. It turned out that his intuition had not deceived him.

To determine the number of breaks in DNA, scientists used the so-called "DNA Comet Method", the essence of which, if you omit a lot of details, is to observe the drift of DNA fragments in a gel layer placed in an electrostatic field. The smaller the fragments, the more actively they drift, so that after a while, approximately such "comet-like" images appear in the eyepiece of the microscope:

For quantitative analysis, they are converted into arrays of data undergoing computer processing. Lerl showed that the arrays used in the dissertation are fake. I.e., they have nothing in common with the images given in the dissertation (moreover, the quality of these images makes them unsuitable for making any reliable conclusions at all).

As you can see, the nature of the falsification is accessible to a layman (this is very important: otherwise, conspiracy theorists would undoubtedly declare that Lerl was bribed by the "telephone mafia").

In 2008, research on the same topic was falsified at the University of Vienna (in this case, the falsifiers managed to blame everything on a self-confessed laboratory assistant).

What motivates European scientists to despise professional ethics? I think they have about the same reasons as the "fighters for saving the planet" who deliberately lie about the horrors of ozone holes and the greenhouse effect. In pursuit of grants and positions distributed by clumsy European bureaucrats, they tend to inflate any fly into an elephant.

I would like to note that the whole scandal with the dissertation went beyond academic circles and attracted the attention of ordinary people thanks to an extremely happy coincidence, the main one of which is the excitement of local residents with the recent history of the PhD thesis of the German Defense Minister von und zu Guttenberg. The celebrity fell victim to advanced search and "web two-zero" technologies that allowed journalists and simply vigilant citizens to catch her in cynical plagiarism (currently, the number of stolen text is calculated to the fourth decimal place: 76.34%).

So now Guttenberg is a former minister and a former candidate of law.

Meanwhile, last year in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (volume 19, p. 191) an amazing article was published entitled "Electromagnetic Field therapy of Alzheimer's disease in mice" (Arendash et al., Electromagnetic Field Treatment Protects Against and Reverses Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease Mice - VM). Its text reads: "... despite numerous studies, there is no reliable evidence of the harmfulness of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones. On the other hand, the results of our study state that long-term exposure of mice to an electromagnetic field with a frequency of 918 MHz and a specific power of 0.25 W / kg (typical for mobile phones) has a beneficial effect on the cognitive abilities of animals." In the experiment conducted at the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, both normal and transgenic (doomed to Alzheimer's disease) mice were used. Both showed better learning and memory ability compared to mice from the control group. The fact, presumably, is that the electromagnetic field improves blood circulation in small vessels and promotes the excretion of beta-amyloid, an insoluble protein, the accumulation of which in the brain causes symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

So, the most common study of a mobile phone helps from Alzheimer's disease, and "specially prepared" electromagnetic smog – from cancer (Costa et al., Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields – VM) and multiple sclerosis (Magnetic Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis; pulsed magnetic therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation bibliography, there is not one article, but a huge bibliography, and not only about multiple sclerosis, but also many other diseases! – VM). But these diseases are the three horsemen of the apocalypse in the sense of destructiveness and incurable (there is also, of course, AIDS – probably, there are also serious publications on the topic of combating it through electromagnetic fields, which I have not yet come across).

I foresee the appearance of healing gadgets-irradiators. They will tune in to the peculiarities of the user's body, and tell him where it is desirable to attach them at the moment. In a trouser pocket or chest pocket, closer to the heart. Their batteries will have an increased capacity: they will have to radiate constantly, and not only during data exchange.

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