07 October 2010


Headlines like "British scientists (TM) have discovered the secret of rejuvenation" float past me for five kilograms a day. And almost everything – all sorts of crap. Advertising of spas, another high-tech cosmetics (which, as the world has been told so many times, is no better than baby cream or cucumber lotion, or even worse), very questionable dietary supplements and nano-irons for wrinkles. Also, journalists like to write about the rejuvenating effect of regular (including not quite traditional) sex, as well as apples, blueberries, strawberries, onions, pomegranate juice, etc., etc. Individually or as part of the top 5 or top 10 Most Rejuvenating Products - also according to British scientists (TM) in the retelling yellow western media. For all these stupidities, I have developed a strong immunity: in the chiasm area (see), the letters turn sideways and fly out into the other ear. But, as the proletarian poet said,
To any
       to hell with mothers
any piece of paper.
              But this one...
There's something wrapped up in a piece of paper that floated by the other day that I'll take it out of my wide pants and show it to you all.

I recommend reading through or at least scrolling this text to the words "click here". And click. Very enlightening.

Proven by scientists: money gives men youthCash flow changes a person's strength by developing it.

From inner confidence (responsibility, knowledge, wisdom), the physical body also changes.

A successful person is someone who knows how to manage his time. Let's remember: time is money. A person who is filled with vital energy usually values his time. The more you do, the more time you have, which means you get.

When a person has money, his voice changes, his speech becomes smooth, stuttering disappears, words are parasites; his gait becomes more confident.

Biological processes are suspended, biological rejuvenation of the body begins – this phenomenon in science has been called "monetary rejuvenation".

The process of "monetary rejuvenation" can be compared with the process of removing toxins from the human body with clean water. Cash flow kills old information records, creates a new kind of physical body.

Who is more likely to have money: men or women?

The question is, of course, discriminatory, but the image of a male breadwinner is firmly rooted in our minds.

A modern man is considered accomplished if he succeeded in three things: career, capital and family. A few years ago, the family was not in the top three at all, now there is some progress. But time still requires effort, labor and endurance from a man.

Due to the special value of time in the modern world, activities that allow a man to achieve success simultaneously in his career and capital are becoming increasingly popular.

This opportunity is provided by the international Forex currency market (FOREX is an abbreviation of the English "FOReign Exchange" or "currency exchange").

The Forex market is a powerful financial instrument that allows you to GET HIGH PROFITS even from minor price fluctuations on the world currency market.

Fluctuations in the dollar, the prospect of creating new reserve currencies and other factors say that careers and fortunes will be made in the coming years by Forex traders. (A trader is a person who receives income from transactions with financial assets: futures and options, shares of companies, currencies of various countries.)

Everyone has the opportunity to master the most profitable and prestigious job – trading on the international Forex market – which can become both the main source of income and bring additional earnings.

Are you in doubt? Come to our theoretical seminars and see for yourself!

FTA company will turn your initial interest in the profession of a currency trader into a clear understanding of what happens when trading currencies.

At THREE FREE theoretical seminars, our specialist will tell you in simple and understandable language about the basics of stock trading and the Forex market. And you will draw your own conclusions.

To register for 3 free seminars, click here or call: Minsk: (017)... Brest: (0162)... Gomel: (0232)... Grodno: (0152)... Vitebsk: (0212)…

Register for free introductory seminars now and get the opportunity to take a practical training course in Minsk in September (15 individual classes) with a 50% discount!

FTA (PUE "ForexyChVseh") is the first company in the Forex market in the Republic of Belarus (since 2004). The only consulting company that has received a license (No. 12345/678910), which gives the right to organize an exchange game on the international Forex market in the Republic of Belarus.

Clients' income is exempt from taxation (in accordance with the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus).

Just before you rejuvenate in this way, for the company with or without FTA, click on the link.

A Healthy Skeptic
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru07.10.2010

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