19 June 2014

The grass is turning green

Decoctions from plants can be harmful

Vera Shuvaeva, "Arguments and Facts" No. 25-2014

Folk healers, herbalists and other similar collections convince: natural means safe. Collect or buy the right plants on the market, prepare a decoction or infusion from them – and you will benefit. However, herbs can also pose a threat to health. Including the most popular ones.

Mint, but not thatThe remedy "for 99 diseases" is rightly considered St. John's wort.

He is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, and wound healer.

– But we should not forget that St. John's wort increases blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients should not use it in any case, – warns Lyudmila Pecherskaya, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialist in pharmacognosy. – But with mint, hypotonics should be more careful: with constant brewing of mint tea, the menthol contained in it reduces pressure.

By the way, real medicinal mint – peppermint – can only be purchased at a pharmacy. The same that grows in swampy meadows, along the banks of rivers and in forests, is not medicinal.

– In the wild, peppermint is not found anywhere in the world, – explains Lyudmila Pecherskaya. – This is a hybrid bred back in the XIX century in England by crossing two different types of mint and cultivated today in special farms. By the way, chamomile is also grown on plantations, the flowers of which are sold in a pharmacy. And the odorless chamomile, often mistaken for a pharmacy, is just its non–medicinal admixture.

Poisonous brethrenMany medicinal plants have such impurities.

And the worst thing is when they are poisonous. For example, the medicinal type "horsetail field". It is used as a diuretic for edema associated with heart failure. But in addition to it, swamp horsetail, forest, meadow and swamp horsetail grow in our region, which are not medicinal.

Moreover, marsh horsetail, which, according to Pecherskaya, is the most difficult to distinguish from field horsetail, is a poisonous plant. And if they are confused, various complications and even poisoning are guaranteed.

So do not rely on your "herbalism". It is safer and more reliable to buy vegetable raw materials in a pharmacy.

By the way
If you are poisoned with herbs, try to induce vomiting. Rinse the stomach with water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Drink up to 10 tablets of activated charcoal. And see a doctor as soon as possible.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.06.2014

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