27 February 2008

Vegetarianism is not a lifestyle, but a mistake of nature

Tatiana Ressina

Vegetarians can be safely considered not only fanatics, but also lost sheep. Almost no one argues with them. It's a difficult business, I'll tell you. Isn't that why the vegetarian movement has turned around so famously, recruiting more and more recruits into its ranks?

Moreover, he does it not just actively, but harshly, aggressively, categorically. Promising all sorts of benefits for the body and a lot of health. And what really awaits citizens who have joined vegetarians? Let's figure it out.

Giving birth to a new cell is not an easy thing. Even if the moment of her "conception" and development is unknown to us and the eye is boundless, we still take an active part in her life and formation. We are her parents. Which means they are responsible for it. For the appearance of a new cell, a lot of things are needed, and the body, in principle, produces the necessary. But–alas! – not all of them. Of the two dozen amino acids of protein, so necessary for building a new cell, the body independently produces only 12, and uses the remaining 8 in finished form. So, they must necessarily come from the outside, that is, with food. And we, as caring parents, must ensure the birth of a full-fledged cell with first-class animal proteins.

Someone will say that proteins are not only in meat, but also in fish and vegetables (for example, in legumes). Yes, there are, and quite a few. But what an interesting thing science has established is that vegetable proteins can be fully assimilated only in the presence of animals and with their help.

In order to make sure which protein is preferable to the body, you can "ask" him, and which of them does he like the most? Experts conducted a study and proved that the body uses and assimilates as a building material for this purpose:
the protein of a chicken egg is 100%;
fermented milk – 90%;
fresh milk – 83%;
beef – 76%;
cottage cheese – 75%.

And now let's compare these data with vegetable proteins. Their body assimilates:
wheat flour products – by 52%.

That's why nutritionists believe that 60% of proteins in a person's daily diet should be of animal origin, and the remaining 40% can be thrown into the body with vegetables and pasta.

And science also knows for certain: if animal proteins do not enter the body, then vitamins and minerals can be eaten even by handfuls, even in containers, but still they will not be enough, because they, too, like vegetable proteins, are poorly absorbed without animal proteins.

Now imagine for a moment what happens in the body of a vegetarian (especially in old age) who lacks building protein. Already two months after the rejection of animal proteins, the number of proteins of the heart muscle decreases by 4 times. Heart failure begins. After the heart, all other organs will gradually begin to mope. So, wait for trouble. And this trouble is called dystrophy.

The initial manifestations of dystrophy are not noticeable and are not very burdensome. But the end result… Have you seen reports on TV about the starving children of Central Africa? Remember the skinny legs and huge, swollen bellies? This is the end result.

But this is not all the problems that arise when there is a shortage of animal protein.

For example, if you want to have children, you should not join the friendly ranks of one hundred percent vegetarians. It only seems that such a lifestyle and lifestyle will rejuvenate your body and make you the father of a large family. In fact, the ability to reproduce their own kind largely depends on the amount of proteins that enter the body. Moreover, it is animals. Without them, spermatozoa have a pale appearance. If a man constantly does not receive the necessary amount of essential amino acids, in the future he may become infertile.

Well, what can I say? Except to add the opinion of cosmetologists. According to their observations, a typical vegetarian has dry, brittle hair, dull eyes and unhealthy skin color. From myself, I can add that besides, almost all of them are very nervous. I have had to discuss with vegetarians more than once. They can't stand the slightest criticism, they get started from half a turn, like a children's bundle, in an argument they immediately begin to raise their tone, wave their hands and splash saliva. And they have a little bit of logic and evidence. As an argument, they mainly present a cow and nod at mother nature, which "originally created people as herbivores."

Recently, experts have a hypothesis that justifies some vegetarians. Scientists have found that there are people among us who have had a malfunction in their metabolism. In this connection, it is quite possible that their body does not need animal protein, they feel great without it, they do not have any health-threatening changes. But we must not forget that such people are just a mistake of nature. By the way, Mother Nature has made a lot of such mistakes in her household. If we take this hypothesis as a basis, it turns out that a huge mass of normal people who believe in vegetarianism live, eat and drink, cruelly mistaken. Well, isn't it a shame?

Of course, meat is quite heavy food for the body. But after all, no one forces you to swallow a whole sheep in one sitting. And if someone got sick after meat, let's be honest: it happened from overeating.

It is enough for a physically active and practically healthy person to eat 100 grams of meat per day for normal life. We are talking about a piece the size of a matchbox. That's all!

The continuation of the topic is in the article "Eight and a half reasons not to be a vegetarian".

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru 26.02.2008

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