Mice cured of progeria
The method of editing single nitrogenous DNA bases made it possible to slow down pathological aging.
12.01.2021The method of editing single nitrogenous DNA bases made it possible to slow down pathological aging.
12.01.2021Scientists have confirmed that oral sex with many partners is associated with an increased risk of oropharyngeal cancer.
12.01.2021Scientists are considering the treatment of Parkinson's disease with focused ultrasound as an alternative to brain surgery.
12.01.2021After several years of remission, metastases from tumor cells that have passed into a state of "hibernation" may reappear in the body.
12.01.2021Comparing the DNA of hundreds of pairs of monozygotic twins showed that their genetic identity is greatly exaggerated.
12.01.2021Oncologist Justin Stebbing – about cancer treatment methods, genome sequencing and what it means to cure cancer.
12.01.2021Two small biotech companies have started developing a vaccine for cats that can prevent people from re-infecting with coronavirus.
12.01.2021A new gene has been discovered, disabling which slows down the aging of progenitor stem cells.
11.01.2021An improved device for transferring mitochondrial DNA will help to study mitochondrial diseases more deeply.
11.01.2021Gene editing of crops and livestock may soon be allowed for the first time in England.
11.01.2021The stage of "prediabetes" has clearly defined subtypes that differ in concomitant pathology and the degree of risk of developing the disease.
11.01.2021Some glioblastomas form when the normal healing process of brain injuries is disrupted by mutations.
11.01.2021United Therapeutics has announced its readiness to start mass transplantation of human donor organs from GM pigs within 1-2 years.
11.01.2021People who retain areas of brown adipose tissue have a reduced risk of developing many acute and chronic diseases.
11.01.2021A new metastasis-promoting mechanism of cancer cells evading the immune system has been discovered.
30.12.2020Is it wise to be a workaholic? Does working at night harm your health? Is it worth being a freelancer? Wouldn't a regular work week be better?
30.12.2020It is assumed that it will change the composition of the microflora of human skin and makes its smell unattractive to mosquitoes.
30.12.2020The Gamalei Center received a grant to develop a drug for the treatment of a new coronavirus infection based on monoclonal antibodies.
30.12.2020A liquid dressing is able to detect oxygen saturation of transplanted tissues no worse than a wired oximeter.
29.12.2020A new collection of more than 85 million genetic variants provides a more complete and accurate picture of the DNA of rhesus monkeys.
29.12.2020You can write to the editor at:
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