Staying in the open cold air for half an hour reduced the severity of croup in children
The benefits of cold air are most evident in patients with moderately severe croup
11.08.2023The benefits of cold air are most evident in patients with moderately severe croup
11.08.2023Researchers used genetically modified bacteria to detect tumor DNA in a living organism
11.08.2023Geneticists have explained why some people of African descent have a lower HIV viral load and the disease progresses more slowly
11.08.2023The negative effects of the sun's UV rays have long been proven: they damage DNA in cells, cause inflammation and premature aging of the skin
10.08.2023A new study finds that low vitamin K levels are linked to lung disorders
10.08.2023Researchers have presented the results of an unusual experiment that slows cellular aging
09.08.2023Researchers observed for the first time that wheat gluten causes brain inflammation in mice
09.08.2023Researchers have developed a metasurface designed to detect a large number of different molecules
08.08.2023A relatively small amount of moderate physical activity, such as walking, will help seniors not become debilitated
07.08.2023The service is able to distinguish signs of diabetes even in patients who do not meet high-risk criteria
07.08.2023Genetic therapy targeting men and women separately will make it easier to lose weight, scientists believe
04.08.2023Researchers have learned more information about the health benefits of pecans
04.08.2023Injecting a new gel into rats helped prevent or reverse pelvic floor damage caused by childbirth
03.08.2023But the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, including a reduced chance of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease, outweigh the possible risks
03.08.2023Scrambling pain signals from healthy nerves can permanently alleviate chronic diseases
02.08.2023Ultra-high-frequency acoustic waves visualize structures a few nanometers in size
02.08.2023Sleep of 7-8 hours without episodes of insomnia and daytime sleepiness with early chronotype reduced the likelihood of heart failure and stroke
02.08.2023Among patients with a higher BSA score, which shows the area of body surface affected, there was a higher percentage of people with vitamin deficiency
01.08.2023Staff at the New York University College of Dentistry Pain Research Center have developed a new targeted therapy for pain relief
31.07.2023The likelihood of illness increased when high doses of antidepressants were used, even when prescribed for short periods of time
31.07.2023You can write to the editor at:
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