From a single cell
A new method of obtaining antibodies from single B-lymphocytes will significantly reduce the time and cost of creating vaccines.
23.10.2019A new method of obtaining antibodies from single B-lymphocytes will significantly reduce the time and cost of creating vaccines.
23.10.2019Rabbit and cow muscle cells grown on gelatin frames mimic the texture and consistency of meat.
23.10.2019Thanks to the identification of bacteria and viruses associated with various types of cancer, new vaccines may be developed in the future.
23.10.2019The export of medicines from Russia is becoming the most profitable activity in the pharmaceutical market.
23.10.2019Swedish scientists have developed a method for identifying aggressive tumors by changing the number of copies of genes and chromosomes.
22.10.2019Encouraging results of phase 1 clinical trial of the next universal vaccination against influenza virus have been published.
22.10.2019Creatine– a dietary supplement taken by athletes and bodybuilders, helps the immune cells of mice to accumulate and distribute energy to fight cancer.
22.10.2019The method of primed gene editing allows you to correct any type of mutations: from point substitutions to insertions or deletions.
22.10.2019MitoSENS' strategy to prevent mitochondrial damage is one of the newest in the fight against aging.
22.10.2019Structures resembling blastocysts derived from embryonic and somatic cells began to develop, although full-fledged tissues did not grow in them.
22.10.2019Mice with longer telomeres live on average 13% longer, have better health and do not suffer from cancer and obesity.
21.10.2019CRISPR/Cas9 makes 1000 times fewer "typos" when editing embryos than mutations during natural fertilization.
21.10.2019Under this motto, this year the World Day of Struggle against this Pathology of Bones was held.
21.10.2019Researchers from ITEB RAS have discovered a new property of fullerene derivatives C60, which will help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
21.10.2019For the first time, Russian geneticists have grown plants that glow in the dark without adding any substances or ultraviolet irradiation.
21.10.2019Scientists have found another way to fight resistant bacteria – using nanocapsules with curcumin.
21.10.2019The Nature report that the Russian biologist Denis Rebrikov started working with the eggs of a deaf woman does not correspond to reality.
21.10.2019Scientists from Australia and Japan have developed a mesh of nanofibers for the delivery of two antibacterial drugs in the treatment of wounds.
18.10.2019The winners of the competition will receive assistance in building and scaling a business.
18.10.2019Dog owners have a longer life and a better state of the cardiovascular system, especially those who have experienced a heart attack or stroke and live alone.
18.10.2019You can write to the editor at:
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