EFKO Group of Companies is launching its own business accelerator for technology startups, Biostart.
28.06.2018EFKO Group of Companies is launching its own business accelerator for technology startups, Biostart.
28.06.2018Scientists have been saying for a long time that DNA can become an ideal repository of information: it is dense, stable, and easy to copy.
28.06.2018About 3,500 Swedes have microchips implanted under their skin to replace credit cards, keys and travel tickets.
28.06.2018Scientists have been trying for decades to answer the question of when to go on a well-deserved rest.
28.06.2018Repeated administration of the modified virus proved effective in tumor recurrence.
28.06.2018A micro robot controlled by a magnetic field is able to carry living cells and deliver them to the desired area of the body.
28.06.2018The RVC biofund has invested in the Genetiko project to create a network of personalized medicine centers in Russia.
28.06.2018Acetaldehyde, obtained from alcohol, supports the activity of an enzyme that relieves the heart of toxic biochemical debris.
28.06.2018The needles copying the proboscis of the mosquito will consist of two parts, one of which will inject an anesthetic.
27.06.2018Another aging mechanism associated with oxidation processes has been found, and a drug that slows down aging is better known than antioxidants.
27.06.2018Polyoxometallate clusters self-organize in the tumor area, providing its image, and then kill cancer cells.
27.06.2018The discovery of a new link between aging and cancer has once again confirmed that old age is a protective mechanism against the development of tumors.
27.06.2018The exact role of this gene remains unknown: the functions of the protein encoded by CD36 are not entirely clear.
27.06.2018The new technology of 3D printing of biological tissues has become possible thanks to the research of magnetic levitation in zero gravity.
27.06.2018Successful examples of the use of telemedicine exist. But they all work only when specialists are sitting at the TV monitor on both sides.
26.06.2018Gold nanoparticles and the CRISPR system almost completely cured mice of the syndrome of the brittle X chromosome.
26.06.2018If we know how to prevent the growth and development of metastases, we can save up to 90% of people dying from major cancers.
26.06.2018Insulin tablets are able to survive the "journey" through the stomach and deliver the right amount of hormone to the diabetic's body.
26.06.2018Soft sensors with microelectrodes can be used to register potentials even inside individual cells.
25.06.2018Without the participation of transposons of the LINE1 group, the embryo "gets stuck" at the stage of two cells and cannot develop further.
25.06.2018You can write to the editor at:
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